ComponentOne Menus and Toolbars for WinForms
Design-Time Support / Command Smart Tags / C1NavBar Smart Tag
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    C1NavBar Smart Tag
    In This Topic

    The C1NavBar control provides quick and easy access to common properties and its most common editing actions such as adding buttons through its smart tag.

    To access the C1NavBar Tasks smart tag panel, click on the smart tag (smart tag) in the upper right corner of the C1NavBar control. This opens the C1NavBar Tasks menu.

    C1NavBar Tasks menu

    The following table describes the options provided by the C1NavBar Tasks smart tag panel

    Options Descriptions
    VisualStyle Lets you set visual style.
    Enable Smart Designer Enables the Smart Designer for C1NavBar control.
    Add button Lets you add C1NavBarPanel.
    About Displays C1NavBar's about dialog box.
    NoteC1NavBar Tasks smart tag panel is available in .NET Framework Edition only.
    See Also