Reports for WinForms | ComponentOne
Working with C1ReportDesigner / Importing Microsoft Access Reports
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    Importing Microsoft Access Reports
    In This Topic

    One of the most powerful features of the C1ReportDesigner application is the ability to import reports created with Microsoft Access. This feature requires Access to be installed on the computer. Once the report is imported into the Designer, Access is no longer required.

    To import reports from an Access file, click the File menu and select Import from the menu. A dialog box prompts you for the name of the file you want to import.

    Select a Microsoft Access file (MDB or ADP) and the Designer scans the file and shows a dialog box where you can select which reports you would like to import:

    The dialog box also allows you to specify if the Designer should clear all currently defined reports before starting the import process.

    The import process handles most elements of the source reports, with a few exceptions:

    These limitations affect a relatively small number of reports, but you should preview all reports after importing them, to make sure they still work correctly.

    Importing the C1NWind.mdb File

    To illustrate how the Designer fares in a real-life example, try importing the C1NWind.mdb file. It contains the following 13 reports. (The NWind.xml file that ships with C1Report already contains all the following modifications.)

    1. Alphabetical List of Products

      No action required.

    2. Catalog

      No action required.

    3. Customer Labels

      No action required.

    4. Employee Sales by Country

      This report contains code which needs to be translated manually. The following code should be assigned to the Group 1 Header OnPrint property:

      To write code in Visual Basic

      Visual Basic
      Copy Code
      If SalespersonTotal > 5000 Then            
        ExceededGoalLabel.Visible = True            
        SalespersonLine.Visible = True            
        ExceededGoalLabel.Visible = False            
        SalespersonLine.Visible = False            
      End If

      To write code in C#

      Copy Code
      if (SalespersonTotal > 5000)                 
        ExceededGoalLabel.Visible = true;                
        SalespersonLine.Visible = true;                
      } else {                
        ExceededGoalLabel.Visible = false;                
        SalespersonLine.Visible = false;               

    5. Invoice

      No action required.

    6. Products by Category

      No action required.

    7. Sales by Category

      This report contains a Chart control that is not imported. To add a chart to your report, you could use an unbound picture field, then write a VB event handler that would create the chart and assign it to the field as a picture.

    8. Sales by Category Subreport

      No action required.

    9. Sales by Year

      This report contains code and references to a Form object which need to be translated manually. To replace the Form object, edit the RecordSource property to add a [Show Details] parameter:

      To write code in Visual Basic

      Visual Basic
      Copy Code
      PARAMETERS (Beginning Date) DateTime 1/1/1994,                    
        (Ending Date) DateTime 1/1/2001,                    
        (Show Details) Boolean False; ...

      To write code in C#

      Copy Code
      PARAMETERS [Beginning Date] DateTime 1/1/1994,                        
        [Ending Date] DateTime 1/1/2001,                       
        [Show Details] Boolean False; ...

      Use the new parameter in the report's OnOpen event:

      To write code in Visual Basic

      Visual Basic
      Copy Code
      Dim script As String = _                            
        "bDetails = [Show Details]" & vbCrLf & _                            
        "Detail.Visible = bDetails" & vbCrLf & _                            
        "[Group 0 Footer].Visible = bDetails" & vbCrLf & _                            
        "DetailsLabel.Visible = bDetails" & vbCrLf & _                            
        "LineNumberLabel2.Visible = bDetails" & vbCrLf & _                            
        "Line15.Visible = bDetails" & vbCrLf & _                           
        "SalesLabel2.Visible = bDetails" & vbCrLf & _                            
        "OrdersShippedLabel2.Visible = bDetails" & vbCrLf & _                            
        "ShippedDateLabel2.Visible = bDetails" & vbCrLf & _                            
        "Line10.Visible = bDetails"                        
      c1r.Sections.Detail.OnPrint = script

      To write code in C#

      Copy Code
      string script = "bDetails = [Show Details]" +                                  
        "Detail.Visible = bDetails\r\n" +                                  
        "[Group 0 Footer].Visible = bDetails\r\n" +                                  
        "DetailsLabel.Visible = bDetails\r\n" +                                  
        "LineNumberLabel2.Visible = bDetails\r\n" +                                  
        "Line15.Visible = bDetails\r\n" +                                  
        "SalesLabel2.Visible = bDetails\r\n" +                                  
        "OrdersShippedLabel2.Visible = bDetails\r\n" +                                 
        "ShippedDateLabel2.Visible = bDetails\r\n" +                                 
        "Line10.Visible = bDetails";                                
      c1r.Sections.Detail.OnPrint = script;

      Finally, two more lines of code need to be translated:

      To write code in Visual Basic

      Visual Basic
      Copy Code
      Sections ("Detail").OnPrint = _                                    
        "PageHeader.Visible = True"                                    
      Sections("Group 0 Footer).OnPrint = _                                    
        "PageHeader.Visible = False"

      To write code in C#

      Copy Code
      Sections ("Detail").OnPrint =                                          
        "PageHeader.Visible = true";                                        
      Sections("Group 0 Footer).OnPrint =                                         
        "PageHeader.Visible = false";

    10. Sales by Year Subreport

      No action required.

    11. Sales Totals by Amount

      This report contains code that needs to be translated manually. The following code should be assigned to the Page Header OnPrint property:

      To write code in Visual Basic

      Visual Basic
      Copy Code
      PageTotal = 0

      To write code in C#

      Copy Code
      PageTotal = 0;

      The following code should be assigned to the Detail OnPrint property:

      To write code in Visual Basic

      Visual Basic
      Copy Code
      PageTotal = PageTotal + SaleAmount                                                    
      HiddenPageBreak.Visible = (Counter = 10)

      To write code in C#

      Copy Code
      PageTotal = PageTotal + SaleAmount;                                                        
      HiddenPageBreak.Visible = (Counter = 10);

    12. Summary of Sales by Quarter

      This report has a group that is sorted by quarter (see item 4 above). To fix this, add a field to the source dataset that contains the value of the ShippedDate quarter, by changing the RecordSource property as follows:                                                       
      SELECT DISTINCTROW Orders.ShippedDate,                                                       
        [Order Subtotals].Subtotal,                                                       
        DatePart("q",Orders.ShippedDate) As ShippedQuarter                                                      
      FROM Orders INNER JOIN [Order Subtotals]                                                       
        ON Orders.OrderID = [Order Subtotals].OrderID                                                       
        WHERE (((Orders.ShippedDate) Is Not Null));

      Change the group's GroupBy property to use the new field, ShippedQuarter.

    13. Summary of Sales by Year

      No action required.

    Summing up the information on the table, out of the 13 reports imported from the NorthWind database: eight did not require any editing, three required some code translation, one required changes to the SQL statement, and one had a chart control that was not replaced.