Reports for WinForms | ComponentOne
Using the C1ReportDesigner Control / Step 6 of 9: Implement the File Support Methods
In This Topic
    Step 6 of 9: Implement the File Support Methods
    In This Topic

    The simple designer has three commands that support files: New, Open, and Save. NewFile clears the class variables, report list, preview and designer controls, and then updates the UI.

    Add the following code to implement the NewFile method:

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    Private Sub NewFile()        
        _fileName = ""        
        _dirty = False        
        _c1ppv.Document = Nothing        
        _c1rd.Report = Nothing        
    End Sub

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    private void NewFile()        
        _fileName = "";        
        _dirty = false;        
        _c1ppv.Document = null;        
        _c1rd.Report = null;        

    OpenFile prompts the user for a report definition file to open, then uses the C1Report component to retrieve a list of report names in the selected file. Each report is loaded into a new C1Report component, which is added to the report list (_list control).

    Instead of adding the C1Report components directly to the list box, the code uses a ReportHolder wrapper class. The only function of the ReportHolder class is to override the ToString method so the list box shows the report names.

    Add the following code to implement the OpenFile method:

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    Public Sub OpenFile()         
        ' get name of file to open        
        Dim dlg As New OpenFileDialog        
        dlg.FileName = "*.xml"        
        dlg.Title = "Open Report Definition File"        
        If dlg.ShowDialog() <> DialogResult.OK Then        
        End If
        ' check selected file        
            reports = _c1r.GetReportInfo(dlg.FileName)        
            If IsNothing(reports) OrElse reports.Length = 0 Then        
                MessageBox.Show("Invalid (or empty) report definition file")        
            End If        
        End Try        
        ' clear list        
        ' load new file        
        Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor        
        _fileName = dlg.FileName        
        Dim reportName As String        
        For Each reportName In reports        
            Dim rpt As New C1Report()         
            rpt.Load(_fileName, reportName)        
            _list.Items.Add(New ReportHolder(rpt))        
        Cursor = Cursors.Default
      ' select first report        
        _list.SelectedIndex = 0        
    End Sub
    ' ReportHolder        
    ' Helper class used to store reports in listboxes. The main thing        
    ' it does is override the ToString() method to render the report name.        
    Public Class ReportHolder        
            Public  Sub New(ByVal report As C1Report)        
            Me.Report = report        
        End Sub        
        Public Overrides Function ToString() As String        
            Dim text As String = Me.Report.ReportName         
            If text.Length = 0 Then text = "Unnamed Report"        
            Return text        
        End Function        
        Public ReadOnly Report As C1Report        
    End Class

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    public void OpenFile()        
        // get name of file to open        
        OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog();        
        dlg.FileName = "*.xml";        
        dlg.Title = "Open Report Definition File";        
        if (dlg.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)        
        // check selected file        
        string[] reports = null;        
            reports = _c1r.GetReportInfo(dlg.FileName);        
        catch {}        
        if (reports == null || reports.Length == 0)        
            MessageBox.Show("Invalid (or empty) report definition file");        
        // clear list        
        // load new file        
        Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;        
        _fileName = dlg.FileName;        
        foreach (string reportName in reports)        
            C1Report rpt = new C1Report();        
            rpt.Load(_fileName, reportName);        
            _list.Items.Add(new ReportHolder(rpt));       
        Cursor = Cursors.Default;
        // select first report        
        _list.SelectedIndex = 0;        
    // ReportHolder        
    // Helper class used to store reports in listboxes. The main thing        
    // it does is override the ToString() method to render the report name.        
    public class ReportHolder        
        public readonly C1Report Report;       
        public ReportHolder(C1Report report)        
            Report = report;        
        override public string ToString()        
            string s = Report.ReportName;        
            return (s != null && s.Length > 0)? s: "Unnamed Report";        

    Finally, the SaveFile method prompts the user for a file name and uses an XmlWriter to save each report into the new file using C1Report.Save method. Add the following code to implement the SaveFile method:

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    Public Sub SaveFile()        
       ' get name of file to save        
       Dim dlg As New SaveFileDialog()        
       dlg.FileName = _fileName        
       dlg.Title = "Save Report Definition File"        
       If dlg.ShowDialog() <> Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then Return        
       ' save file        
       Dim w As New XmlTextWriter(dlg.FileName, System.Text.Encoding.Default)        
       w.Formatting = Formatting.Indented        
       w.Indentation = 2        
       ' write all reports to it         
       Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor        
       Dim rh As ReportHolder        
       For Each rh In _list.Items        
          rh.Report.Save(w) 'rh.Report.ReportName        
       Cursor = Cursors.Default
       ' close the file         
       ' and be done        
       _fileName = dlg.FileName        
       _dirty = False        
    End Sub 

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    public void SaveFile()        
        // get name of file to save        
        SaveFileDialog dlg = new SaveFileDialog();        
        dlg.FileName = _fileName;        
        dlg.Title = "Save Report Definition File";        
        if (dlg.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)        
        // save file        
        XmlTextWriter w = new XmlTextWriter(dlg.FileName, System.Text.Encoding.Default);        
        w.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;        
        w.Indentation = 2;        
        // write all reports to it        
        Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;        
        foreach (ReportHolder rh in _list.Items)        
            rh.Report.Save(w); //rh.Report.ReportName;        
        Cursor = Cursors.Default;
        // close the file        
        // and be done        
        _fileName = dlg.FileName;        
        _dirty = false;        