Reports for WinForms | ComponentOne
Using the C1ReportDesigner Control / Step 8 of 9: Add Code to Create and Remove Reports
In This Topic
    Step 8 of 9: Add Code to Create and Remove Reports
    In This Topic

    To remove reports from the list, use the DeleteReport method. The DeleteReport method simply removes the selected item from the report list, clears the Report property of the designer control, then makes a new selection if the list is not empty.

    Add the following code to remove reports using the DeleteReport method:

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    ' remove current report from the list        
    Private Sub DeleteReport()        
       ' a report must be selected        
       Dim index As Integer = _list.SelectedIndex        
       If (index < 0) Then Return
       ' remove report from the designer and from the list          
       _c1rd.Report = Nothing        
       ' select another report if we can          
       If (index > _list.Items.Count - 1) Then        
          index = _list.Items.Count - 1        
          If (index > - 1) Then        
              _list.SelectedIndex = index        
          End If         
       End If        
       ' done          
       _dirty = True        
    End Sub 

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    // remove current report from the list          
    private void DeleteReport()        
           // a report must be selected          
           int index = _list.SelectedIndex;        
           if (index < 0) return;
           // remove report from the designer and from the list          
           _c1rd.Report = null;        
           // select another report if we can          
           if (index > _list.Items.Count-1)         
              index = _list.Items.Count-1;        
           if (index > -1)         
              _list.SelectedIndex = index;
           // done          
           _dirty = true;        

    The AddReport method is a little more complex. In the full-fledged report designer, this command invokes a wizard that allows the user to select a data source, grouping options, layout, and style. When implementing your designer, you can use the wizard code as-is or customize it to suit your needs.

    Rather than just creating a blank new report, the simple designer prompts the user for an MDB file, selects the first table it can find, then the first five fields, and creates a report based on that.

    Add the following code to create reports using the AddReport method:

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    Private Sub NewReport()        
       ' select a data source (just mdb files in this sample)          
       Dim dlg As New OpenFileDialog()        
       dlg.FileName = "*.mdb"        
       dlg.Title = "Select report data source"        
       If dlg.ShowDialog() <> Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then Return       
       ' select first table from data source          
       Dim connString As String = String.Format("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source={0}", dlg.FileName)
       Dim tableName As String = GetFirstTable(connString)
       If tableName.Length = 0 Then        
          MessageBox.Show("Failed to retrieve data from the selected source.")        
       End If
       ' create new report          
       Dim rpt As New C1Report()        
       rpt.ReportName = tableName        
       ' set data source          
       rpt.DataSource.ConnectionString = connString        
       rpt.DataSource.RecordSource = tableName
       ' add a title field          
       Dim s As Section = rpt.Sections(SectionTypeEnum.Header)        
       s.Visible = True        
       s.Height = 600        
       Dim f As Field = s.Fields.Add("TitleField", tableName, 0, 0, 4000, 600)        
       f.Font.Bold = True        
       f.Font.Size = 24        
       f.ForeColor = Color.Navy
       ' add up to 5 calculated fields          
       Dim fieldNames As String() = rpt.DataSource.GetDBFieldList(True)        
       Dim cnt As Integer = Math.Min(5, fieldNames.Length)
       ' add a page header          
       s = rpt.Sections(SectionTypeEnum.PageHeader)        
       s.Visible = True        
       s.Height = 400        
       Dim rc As New Rectangle(0, 0, 1000, s.Height)
       Dim i As Integer        
       For i = 0 To cnt - 1        
          f = s.Fields.Add("TitleField", fieldNames(i), rc)        
          f.Font.Bold = True        
          rc.Offset(rc.Width, 0)        
       ' add detail section          
       s = rpt.Sections(SectionTypeEnum.Detail)        
       s.Visible = True        
       s.Height = 300        
       rc = New Rectangle(0, 0, 1000, s.Height)        
       For i = 0 To cnt - 1        
          f = s.Fields.Add("TitleField", fieldNames(i), rc)        
          f.Calculated = True        
          rc.Offset(rc.Width, 0)        
       ' add new report to the list and select it          
       _list.Items.Add(New ReportHolder(rpt))        
       _list.SelectedIndex = _list.Items.Count - 1
       ' done          
       _dirty = True        
    End Sub 

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    private void NewReport()        
           // select a data source (just mdb files in this sample)          
           OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog();        
           dlg.FileName = "*.mdb";        
           dlg.Title = "Select report data source";        
           if (dlg.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return;
           // select first table from data source          
           string connString =        
                  string.Format(@"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source={0};",        
           string tableName = GetFirstTable(connString);        
           if (tableName == null || tableName.Length == 0)        
                  MessageBox.Show("Failed to retrieve data from the selected source.");        
           // create new report          
           C1Report rpt = new C1Report();        
           rpt.ReportName = tableName;
           // set data source          
           rpt.DataSource.ConnectionString = connString;        
           rpt.DataSource.RecordSource = tableName;
           // add a title field          
           Section s = rpt.Sections[SectionTypeEnum.Header];        
           s.Visible = true;       
           s.Height = 600;        
           Field f = s.Fields.Add("TitleField", tableName, 0, 0, 4000, 600);        
           f.Font.Bold = true;        
           f.Font.Size = 24;        
           f.ForeColor = Color.Navy;
           // add up to 5 calculated fields          
           string[] fieldNames = rpt.DataSource.GetDBFieldList(true);        
           int cnt = Math.Min(5, fieldNames.Length);
           // add a page header          
           s = rpt.Sections[SectionTypeEnum.PageHeader];        
           s.Visible = true;        
           s.Height = 400;        
           Rectangle rc = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1000, (int)s.Height);        
           for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)        
                  f = s.Fields.Add("TitleField", fieldNames[i], rc);        
                  f.Font.Bold = true;        
                  rc.Offset(rc.Width, 0);        
           // add detail section          
           s = rpt.Sections[SectionTypeEnum.Detail];        
           s.Visible = true;        
           s.Height = 300;        
           rc = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1000, (int)s.Height);        
           for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)        
                  f = s.Fields.Add("TitleField", fieldNames[i], rc);        
                  f.Calculated = true;        
                  rc.Offset(rc.Width, 0);        
           // add new report to the list and select it          
           _list.Items.Add(new ReportHolder(rpt));       
           _list.SelectedIndex = _list.Items.Count-1;
           // done          
           _dirty = true;        

    The following code uses a helper function GetFirstTable that opens a connection, retrieves the db schema, and returns the name of the first table it finds. Add the following code:

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    Private Function GetFirstTable(connString As String) As String        
       Dim conn As New OleDbConnection(connString)        
          ' get schema          
          Dim dt As DataTable = conn.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, Nothing)        
          Dim dr As DataRow        
          For Each dr In dt.Rows       
             ' check the table type          
             Dim type As String = dr("TABLE_TYPE").ToString().ToUpper()        
             If (type <> "TABLE" AndAlso type <> "VIEW" AndAlso type <> "LINK" Then        
                  'skip this one          
                 ' get the table name           
                 tableName = dr("TABLE_NAME").ToString()        
                 Exit For        
             End If        
          ' done           
       End Try         
       ' return the first table we found           
       Return tableName        
    End Function

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    private string GetFirstTable(string connString)        
        string tableName = null;        
        OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(connString);        
            // get schema           
            DataTable dt = conn.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, null);        
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)        
                // check the table type           
                string type = dr["TABLE_TYPE"].ToString().ToUpper();        
                if (type != "TABLE" && type != "VIEW" && type != "LINK")        
                // get the table name           
                tableName = dr["TABLE_NAME"].ToString();        
            // done           
        catch {}
        // return the first table we found           
        return tableName;        