Scheduler for WinForms | ComponentOne
End-User Interaction / Working with Appointments
In This Topic
    Working with Appointments
    In This Topic

    Appointments can be created at run time through the context menu by selecting one of the following options:

    Note: Appointments can also be created by double-clicking on a day or time, which will open the Appointment dialog box for that day or time. For more information about appointments, see Appointments.

    At run time, setting an appointment opens the Appointment dialog box.

    Pressing the following keys while in the Appointment dialog box will result in the following actions:

    Key Action
    TAB or ENTER Moves the cursor from one field to another according to the tab order.
    ESC Closes the Appointment dialog box without saving any changes.

    After an appointment has been created, selecting the appointment and right-clicking opens another context menu that allows you to edit, save, or delete the selected appointment.

    Appointment Dialog Box Properties

    The following properties of the Appointment class can be set in the Appointment dialog box at run time:

    Property Description
    AllDayEvent Gets or sets the Boolean value indicating if the current appointment is an All-day appointment.
    Body Gets or sets the String value representing the body of the Appointment object.
    BusyStatus Gets or sets the Status object indicating the busy status of the user for the appointment.
    Duration Gets or sets the TimeSpan value indicating the duration of the appointment.
    End Gets or sets the DateTime value determining the end date and time of the appointment.
    Importance Gets or sets the ImportanceEnum value indicating the relative importance level for the appointment. Default value is Normal.
    Label Gets or sets the Label object associated with this appointment.
    Location Gets or sets the String value specifying where the appointment is going to be.
    Private Gets or sets the Boolean value determining whether the calendar owner intend to keep the Appointment object private.
    ReminderSet Gets or sets the Boolean value indicating whether a reminder is associated with the appointment. Once this property is set to true, a new Reminder object is created and assigned to the Reminder property.
    ReminderSoundFile Gets or sets the String value indicating the path and file name of the sound file to play when the reminder occurs for the appointment. This property is only valid if the ReminderOverrideDefault and ReminderPlaySound properties are set to true.
    ReminderTimeBeforeStart Gets or sets the TimeSpan value indicating the interval of time the reminder should occur prior to the start of the appointment.
    Sensitivity Gets or sets the SensitivityEnum value indicating the sensitivity level of the appointment.
    Start Gets or sets the DateTime value determining the start date and time of the appointment.
    Subject Gets or sets the String value representing the subject of the Appointment object.