ComponentOne SplitContainer for WinForms
SplitContainer Appearance / SplitContainer Appearance Properties
In This Topic
    SplitContainer Appearance Properties
    In This Topic

    This section describes a few of C1SplitContainer and C1SplitterPanel’s main appearance properties along with a C1SplitContainer showing the effect of each property setting on the C1SplitContainer.

    The following table describes each of the C1SplitContainer appearance properties used in the image above:

    Property Description
    C1SplitContainer.BackColor Gets the background color of the C1SplitContainer control.
    SplitterWidth Gets the width of the splitter element.
    SplitterColor Gets the color of the splitter element.
    FixedLineColor Gets the color of the fixed dividing line.
    FixedLineWidth Gets the width of the fixed dividing line.

    The following table describes each of the C1SplitterPanel appearance properties used in the image above:

    Property Description
    HeaderBackColor Gets the background color of the header in the C1SplitterPanel.
    HeaderForeColor Gets the forecolor of the header in the C1SplitterPanel.
    HeaderTextAlign Gets the text alignment for the header in the C1SplitterPanel.
    Text Gets the text for the header in the C1SplitterPanel.

    For task-based help on modifying the C1SplitterPanel’s appearance, see Changing the C1SplitContainer’s Appearance.

    See Also