ComponentOne SplitContainer for WinForms
In This Topic
    SplitContainer Elements
    In This Topic

    The topics in this section are categorized into distinct elements that represent different aspects of the C1SplitContainer control. Each individual topic provides the following information:

    Four elements exist within the C1SplitContainer control: a C1SplitterPanel, Splitter Bar, SplitterPanel Header, and an expander button. The C1SplitContainer represents a container to hold the panels and its elements. The Splitter Bar represents the divider that separates the two panels. The C1SplitterPanel represents the panel inside the C1SplitContainer. The Panel Header represents the header that appears as a rectangular title bar above each panel. By default, a fixed line appears below the panel header and its color and width can be controlled by the FixedLineColor and FixedLineWidth properties. The expander button appears when the Collapsible property is true.

    The following image labels the elements of the C1SplitContainer control:

    See Also