ComponentOne TileControl for WinForms
C1.Win.TileControl.8 Assembly / C1.Win.Tile Namespace / TileSymbol Enumeration

In This Topic
    TileSymbol Enumeration
    In This Topic
    Enumerates the tile symbols.
    Public Enum TileSymbol 
       Inherits System.Enum
    public enum TileSymbol : System.Enum 
    AcceptDisplays the Accept symbol.
    AccessibilityDisplays the Accessibility symbol.
    AccountsDisplays the Accounts symbol.
    AddDisplays the Add symbol.
    AddContactDisplays the AddContact symbol.
    AddNewFolderDisplays the AddNewFolder symbol.
    AddressBookDisplays the AddressBook symbol.
    AddToFavoriteDisplays the AddToFavorite symbol.
    AlignCenterDisplays the AlignCenter symbol.
    AlignLeftDisplays the AlignLeft symbol.
    AlignRightDisplays the AlignRight symbol.
    AllAppsDisplays the AllApps symbol.
    AllAppsMirroredDisplays the AllAppsMirrored symbol.
    AlternateAudioTrackDisplays the AlternateAudioTrack symbol.
    AppBarDisplays the AppBar symbol.
    AttachDisplays the Attach symbol.
    AutoplayStopDisplays the AutoplayStop symbol.
    BackspaceDisplays the Backspace symbol.
    BackToWindowDisplays the BackToWindow symbol.
    BackwardDisplays the Backward symbol.
    BccDisplays the Bcc symbol.
    BlockContactDisplays the BlockContact symbol.
    BoldDisplays the Bold symbol.
    BoldGermanDisplays the BoldGerman symbol.
    BoldItalianDisplays the BoldItalian symbol.
    BoldKoreanDisplays the BoldKorean symbol.
    BoldRussianDisplays the BoldRussian symbol.
    BoldSpanishDisplays the BoldSpanish symbol.
    BookmarksDisplays the Bookmarks symbol.
    BookmarksMirroredDisplays the BookmarksMirrored symbol.
    BrokenHeartDisplays the BrokenHeart symbol.
    BrowseByAlbumDisplays the BrowseByAlbum symbol.
    BrowseByAlbumMirroredDisplays the BrowseByAlbumMirrored symbol.
    BrowsePhotosDisplays the BrowsePhotos symbol.
    CalculatorDisplays the Calculator symbol.
    CalendarDisplays the Calendar symbol.
    CalendarReplyDisplays the CalendarReply symbol.
    CameraDisplays the Camera symbol.
    CancelDisplays the Cancel symbol.
    CaptionDisplays the Caption symbol.
    CategoryAZDisplays the CategoryAZ symbol.
    CellPhoneDisplays the CellPhone symbol.
    CharmsBarDisplays the CharmsBar symbol.
    CharmsBarMirroredDisplays the CharmsBarMirrored symbol.
    CheckBoxDisplays the CheckBox symbol.
    CheckCompositeDisplays the CheckComposite symbol.
    CheckFillDisplays the CheckFill symbol.
    CheckReversedDisplays the CheckReversed symbol.
    ChooseLikeOrDislikeDisplays the ChooseLikeOrDislike symbol.
    CircleDisplays the Circle symbol.
    CircleWithBalloonDisplays the CircleWithBalloon symbol.
    CircleWithChatDisplays the CircleWithChat symbol.
    CircleWithFoodDisplays the CircleWithFood symbol.
    CircleWithHelpDeskDisplays the CircleWithHelpDesk symbol.
    CircleWithMinusDisplays the CircleWithMinus symbol.
    CircleWithMultiplyDisplays the CircleWithMultiply symbol.
    CircleWithPlaneDisplays the CircleWithPlane symbol.
    CircleWithPlusDisplays the CircleWithPlus symbol.
    CircleWithSmileDisplays the CircleWithSmile symbol.
    CircleWithWeatherDisplays the CircleWithWeather symbol.
    ClearSelectionDisplays the ClearSelection symbol.
    ClearSelectionMirroredDisplays the ClearSelectionMirrored symbol.
    ClosedCaptionDisplays the ClosedCaption symbol.
    ClosedCaptionEuroDisplays the ClosedCaptionEuro symbol.
    ClosedCaptionJPNDisplays the ClosedCaptionJPN symbol.
    CloseMetadataDisplays the CloseMetadata symbol.
    CloseMetadataMirroredDisplays the CloseMetadataMirrored symbol.
    CommentDisplays the Comment symbol.
    ContactInfoDisplays the ContactInfo symbol.
    CopyDisplays the Copy symbol.
    CropDisplays the Crop symbol.
    CurrentLocationDisplays the CurrentLocation symbol.
    CutDisplays the Cut symbol.
    DayDisplays the Day symbol.
    DeleteDisplays the Delete symbol.
    DetailsDisplays the Details symbol.
    DetailsMirroredDisplays the DetailsMirrored symbol.
    DeviceDisplays the Device symbol.
    Digit0Displays the Digit0 symbol.
    Digit1Displays the Digit1 symbol.
    Digit2Displays the Digit2 symbol.
    Digit3Displays the Digit3 symbol.
    Digit4Displays the Digit4 symbol.
    Digit5Displays the Digit5 symbol.
    Digit6Displays the Digit6 symbol.
    Digit7Displays the Digit7 symbol.
    Digit8Displays the Digit8 symbol.
    Digit9Displays the Digit9 symbol.
    DirectionDisplays the Direction symbol.
    DisableUpdatesDisplays the DisableUpdates symbol.
    DisclosureDownDisplays the DisclosureDown symbol.
    DisclosureDown2Displays the DisclosureDown2 symbol.
    DisclosureLeftDisplays the DisclosureLeft symbol.
    DisclosureLeft2Displays the DisclosureLeft2 symbol.
    DisclosureRightDisplays the DisclosureRight symbol.
    DisclosureRight2Displays the DisclosureRight2 symbol.
    DisclosureUpDisplays the DisclosureUp symbol.
    DisclosureUp2Displays the DisclosureUp2 symbol.
    DisconnectNetworkDriveDisplays the DisconnectNetworkDrive symbol.
    DislikeDisplays the Dislike symbol.
    DockDisplays the Dock symbol.
    DockMirroredDisplays the DockMirrored symbol.
    DocumentDisplays the Document symbol.
    DownloadDisplays the Download symbol.
    EditDisplays the Edit symbol.
    EditMirroredDisplays the EditMirrored symbol.
    Emoji2Displays the Emoji2 symbol.
    EmoticonDisplays the Emoticon symbol.
    EnterDisplays the Enter symbol.
    ExpandTileDisplays the ExpandTile symbol.
    ExpandTileMirroredDisplays the ExpandTileMirrored symbol.
    FavoriteDisplays the Favorite symbol.
    FavoriteStarEmptyDisplays the FavoriteStarEmpty symbol.
    FilesDisplays the Files symbol.
    FilledBackwardDisplays the FilledBackward symbol.
    FilledCircleDisplays the FilledCircle symbol.
    FilledForwardDisplays the FilledForward symbol.
    FilledMinusDisplays the FilledMinus symbol.
    FilledMultiplyDisplays the FilledMultiply symbol.
    FilledPlusDisplays the FilledPlus symbol.
    FilterDisplays the Filter symbol.
    FindDisplays the Find symbol.
    FontDisplays the Font symbol.
    FontColorDisplays the FontColor symbol.
    FontColorKoreanDisplays the FontColorKorean symbol.
    FontSizeDisplays the FontSize symbol.
    FontSizeDecreaseDisplays the FontSizeDecrease symbol.
    FontSizeIncreaseDisplays the FontSizeIncrease symbol.
    FontStyleKoreanDisplays the FontStyleKorean symbol.
    ForwardDisplays the Forward symbol.
    ForwardMailDisplays the ForwardMail symbol.
    ForwardMailMirroredDisplays the ForwardMailMirrored symbol.
    FourBarsDisplays the FourBars symbol.
    FullScreenDisplays the FullScreen symbol.
    GoDisplays the Go symbol.
    GoMirroredDisplays the GoMirrored symbol.
    GoToStartDisplays the GoToStart symbol.
    HangUpDisplays the HangUp symbol.
    HelpDisplays the Help symbol.
    HelpMirroredDisplays the HelpMirrored symbol.
    HighlightDisplays the Highlight symbol.
    HighPriorityDisplays the HighPriority symbol.
    HomeDisplays the Home symbol.
    HorizontalDotsDisplays the HorizontalDots symbol.
    ImportDisplays the Import symbol.
    ImportAllFilesDisplays the ImportAllFiles symbol.
    ImportAllFilesMirroredDisplays the ImportAllFilesMirrored symbol.
    ImportMirroredDisplays the ImportMirrored symbol.
    ItalicDisplays the Italic symbol.
    ItalicGermanDisplays the ItalicGerman symbol.
    ItalicItalianDisplays the ItalicItalian symbol.
    ItalicKoreanDisplays the ItalicKorean symbol.
    ItalicRussianDisplays the ItalicRussian symbol.
    ItalicSpanishDisplays the ItalicSpanish symbol.
    KeyboardDisplays the Keyboard symbol.
    LayoutDisplays the Layout symbol.
    LeaveConversationDisplays the LeaveConversation symbol.
    LeftDisplays the Left symbol.
    LeftToRightDisplays the LeftToRight symbol.
    LessDetailsDisplays the LessDetails symbol.
    LibraryDisplays the Library symbol.
    LightOffDisplays the LightOff symbol.
    LightOnDisplays the LightOn symbol.
    LikeDisplays the Like symbol.
    LinkDisplays the Link symbol.
    LockDisplays the Lock symbol.
    MailDisplays the Mail symbol.
    Mail2Displays the Mail2 symbol.
    MapDisplays the Map symbol.
    MapAddressDisplays the MapAddress symbol.
    MapNetworkDriveDisplays the MapNetworkDrive symbol.
    MatchOptionsDisplays the MatchOptions symbol.
    MicrophoneDisplays the Microphone symbol.
    MonthDisplays the Month symbol.
    MonthMirroredDisplays the MonthMirrored symbol.
    MoreDisplays the More symbol.
    MoreDetailsDisplays the MoreDetails symbol.
    MoreOptionsDisplays the MoreOptions symbol.
    MoreOptionsMirroredDisplays the MoreOptionsMirrored symbol.
    MoveToFolderDisplays the MoveToFolder symbol.
    NavigateBackwardDisplays the NavigateBackward symbol.
    NavigateForwardDisplays the NavigateForward symbol.
    NextDisplays the Next symbol.
    OneBarDisplays the OneBar symbol.
    OpemMetadataMirroredDisplays the OpemMetadataMirrored symbol.
    OpenFileDisplays the OpenFile symbol.
    OpenFileLocationDisplays the OpenFileLocation symbol.
    OpenInWebDisplays the OpenInWeb symbol.
    OpenMetadataDisplays the OpenMetadata symbol.
    OpenNewWindowsDisplays the OpenNewWindows symbol.
    OpenWithDisplays the OpenWith symbol.
    OpenWithMirroredDisplays the OpenWithMirrored symbol.
    OptionsDisplays the Options symbol.
    OutlinedHeartDisplays the OutlinedHeart symbol.
    OutlinedStarDisplays the OutlinedStar symbol.
    PageDisplays the Page symbol.
    PasteDisplays the Paste symbol.
    PauseDisplays the Pause symbol.
    PdfDisplays the Pdf symbol.
    PeopleDisplays the People symbol.
    PermissionsDisplays the Permissions symbol.
    PhoneDisplays the Phone symbol.
    PictureLibraryDisplays the PictureLibrary symbol.
    PinDisplays the Pin symbol.
    PinToTaskbarDisplays the PinToTaskbar symbol.
    PlaceholderDisplays the Placeholder symbol.
    PlayDisplays the Play symbol.
    PortraitLandscapeDisplays the PortraitLandscape symbol.
    PostDisplays the Post symbol.
    PostUpdateDisplays the PostUpdate symbol.
    PowerDisplays the Power symbol.
    PresenceDisplays the Presence symbol.
    PreviewLinkDisplays the PreviewLink symbol.
    PreviousDisplays the Previous symbol.
    ProtectedPdfDisplays the ProtectedPdf symbol.
    ReadDisplays the Read symbol.
    RedoDisplays the Redo symbol.
    ReduceTileDisplays the ReduceTile symbol.
    ReduceTileMirroredDisplays the ReduceTileMirrored symbol.
    RefreshDisplays the Refresh symbol.
    RejectDisplays the Reject symbol.
    RemoteDesktopHomeDisplays the RemoteDesktopHome symbol.
    RemoveDisplays the Remove symbol.
    RemoveSplitDisplays the RemoveSplit symbol.
    RenameDisplays the Rename symbol.
    RepeatDisplays the Repeat symbol.
    RepeatOnceDisplays the RepeatOnce symbol.
    ReplyDisplays the Reply symbol.
    ReplyAllDisplays the ReplyAll symbol.
    ReplyAllMirroredDisplays the ReplyAllMirrored symbol.
    ReplyMirroredDisplays the ReplyMirrored symbol.
    ReportHackedDisplays the ReportHacked symbol.
    ResultsDisplays the Results symbol.
    ResultsMirroredDisplays the ResultsMirrored symbol.
    RetweetDisplays the Retweet symbol.
    RightDisplays the Right symbol.
    RightToLeftDisplays the RightToLeft symbol.
    RotateDisplays the Rotate symbol.
    RotateCameraDisplays the RotateCamera symbol.
    RunAsAdminDisplays the RunAsAdmin symbol.
    RunAsOtherUserDisplays the RunAsOtherUser symbol.
    RunAsServiceDisplays the RunAsService symbol.
    SaveDisplays the Save symbol.
    SaveLocalDisplays the SaveLocal symbol.
    SBArrowDownDisplays the SBArrowDown symbol.
    SBArrowLeftDisplays the SBArrowLeft symbol.
    SBArrowRightDisplays the SBArrowRight symbol.
    SBArrowUpDisplays the SBArrowUp symbol.
    SelectAllDisplays the SelectAll symbol.
    SendDisplays the Send symbol.
    SetAsLockScreenImageDisplays the SetAsLockScreenImage symbol.
    SetAsTileImageDisplays the SetAsTileImage symbol.
    SettingsDisplays the Settings symbol.
    ShiftDisplays the Shift symbol.
    ShopDisplays the Shop symbol.
    ShowAllFilesDisplays the ShowAllFiles symbol.
    ShowBccDisplays the ShowBcc symbol.
    ShuffleDisplays the Shuffle symbol.
    SingleFileDisplays the SingleFile symbol.
    SlideshowDisplays the Slideshow symbol.
    SolidHeartDisplays the SolidHeart symbol.
    SolidStarDisplays the SolidStar symbol.
    SortDisplays the Sort symbol.
    SplitHorizontallyDisplays the SplitHorizontally symbol.
    SplitVerticallyDisplays the SplitVertically symbol.
    StartChatDisplays the StartChat symbol.
    StatusDisplays the Status symbol.
    StopDisplays the Stop symbol.
    StreetDisplays the Street symbol.
    SwitchDisplays the Switch symbol.
    SwitchAppsDisplays the SwitchApps symbol.
    SyncDisplays the Sync symbol.
    SyncFolderDisplays the SyncFolder symbol.
    TagDisplays the Tag symbol.
    TakeWebcamPictureDisplays the TakeWebcamPicture symbol.
    ThreeBarsDisplays the ThreeBars symbol.
    TilesDisplays the Tiles symbol.
    TimerDisplays the Timer symbol.
    ToolsDisplays the Tools symbol.
    TouchPointerDisplays the TouchPointer symbol.
    TrashDisplays the Trash symbol.
    TrimVideoDisplays the TrimVideo symbol.
    TwoBarsDisplays the TwoBars symbol.
    UnderlineDisplays the Underline symbol.
    UnderlineGermanDisplays the UnderlineGerman symbol.
    UnderlineItalianDisplays the UnderlineItalian symbol.
    UnderlineKoreanDisplays the UnderlineKorean symbol.
    UnderlineRussianDisplays the UnderlineRussian symbol.
    UndoDisplays the Undo symbol.
    UnfavoriteDisplays the Unfavorite symbol.
    UnlockDisplays the Unlock symbol.
    UnpinDisplays the Unpin symbol.
    UnpinFromTaskbarDisplays the UnpinFromTaskbar symbol.
    UnsyncFolderDisplays the UnsyncFolder symbol.
    UpDisplays the Up symbol.
    UploadDisplays the Upload symbol.
    UsbCameraDisplays the UsbCamera symbol.
    VerticalDotsDisplays the VerticalDots symbol.
    VideoDisplays the Video symbol.
    VideoChatDisplays the VideoChat symbol.
    ViewDisplays the View symbol.
    ViewAllAlbumsDisplays the ViewAllAlbums symbol.
    ViewAllInfoDisplays the ViewAllInfo symbol.
    ViewNotificationsDisplays the ViewNotifications symbol.
    VoicemailDisplays the Voicemail symbol.
    VolumeDisplays the Volume symbol.
    VolumeMuteDisplays the VolumeMute symbol.
    WeekDisplays the Week symbol.
    ZeroBarsDisplays the ZeroBars symbol.
    ZoomInDisplays the ZoomIn symbol.
    ZoomNeutralDisplays the ZoomNeutral symbol.
    ZoomOutDisplays the ZoomOut symbol.
    Inheritance Hierarchy


    See Also