TouchToolKit for WinForms | ComponentOne
Zooming Component / C1Zoom Elements / C1Zoom Control Bar Element
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    C1Zoom Control Bar Element
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    The ControlBar can visualize the zoom capability of the C1Zoom component on the form. The C1ZoomCommandProvider and C1Zoom control need to be used in order to create a functioning controlbar. In order to create a control bar to use with the C1Zoom control you need to do the following:

    1. Add a user control and add buttons that will represent the control bar.
    1. Add a C1ZoomCommandProvider control to the user control.
    1. Add a C1Zoom control to your form and a control that you wish to zoom in on.

    The following image represents a control bar created from buttons each button performs some type of zoom behavior when you click on it such as ScrollUp, ScrollLeft, ScrollRight, etc. You can implement Zoom In/Out, Scrolling, Switch FullScreen and other commands as ControlBar buttons when the C1ZoomCommandProvider is added to the user control form.

    The following imags illustrates a custom control bar created out of buttons with different zoom commands:


    zoom control bar