TouchToolKit for WinForms | ComponentOne
Zooming Component / C1Zoom Layout / Resizing the Form
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    Resizing the Form
    In This Topic

    You can keep the aspect ratio of the form’s size by using the C1Zoom.KeepAspectRatio property. If the property value is true, the Form's width and height change together when resized.


    retain the zoom aspect ratio

    To programatically set the C1Zoom.KeepAspectRatio to true, use the following code:



    c1Zoom1.KeepAspectRatio = true;


    [Visual Basic]

    C1Zoom1.KeepAspectRatio = True


    To set the minimum size or maximum size of the form, use the Form.MinimumSize property or Form.MaximumSize property.