TouchToolKit for WinForms | ComponentOne
Zoom Command Provider / C1ZoomCommandProvider Built-In Commands
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    C1ZoomCommandProvider Built-In Commands
    In This Topic

    Built-in actions

    Any standard control you add to the user control can be associated with C1ZoomCommandProvider’s built in commands.

    Adding a built-in command to any standard control

    To add a C1ZoomCommandProviders built-in command to any standard control, complete the following:

    1. Add a UserControl to the project. In the Solution Explorer, right-click the solution name and select Add| User Control. Name the user control (MyUserControl)
    2. Click Add in the Add New Item dialog box.
    3. Add a control such as a Button to MyUserContro1.
    4. Add the C1ZoomCommandProvider from the Toolbox. If it does not appear in the Toolbox, right-click the Toolbox and select Add Tab. Name the tab TouchToolKit and right-click the area in the tab and select Choose Items.
    5. Browse to the location of the C1.Win.C1TouchToolKit.x.x.x.dll and click Open. The C1ZoomCommandProvider1 item will appear in the component tray.
    6. Add a control such as a Button, Button1.
    7. Add the C1ZoomCommandProvider from the Toolbox. If it does not appear in the Toolbox, right-click the Toolbox and select Add Tab. Name the tab TouchToolKit and right-click the area in the tab and select Choose Items. Browse to the location of the C1.Win.C1TouchToolKit.x.x.x.dll and click Open. The C1ZoomCommandProvider1 item will appear in the component tray.
    8. Click the smart-tag anchor of Button1.

    The following built-in Zoom Commands appear:


    available built-in commands


    The following table lists and describes the built-in Zoom Commands:

    Command Name



    Does not do any commands, default value.


    ZoomIn 10% when executing this command. If current factor reaches the max factor value, then do nothing.


    ZoomOut 10% when executing this command. If the current factor reaches the max factor value then it does nothing.


    Changes zoom factor to 100%.


    Scrolls Left 1/3 of the form content width. If the form has scrolled to the end point, then it does nothing.


    Scrolls Up 1/3 of form content height. If the form has scrolled to the end point, then it does nothing.


    Scrolls Right 1/3 of form content width. If the form has scrolled to the end point, then it does nothing.


    Scrolls Down 1/3 of form content height. If the form has scrolled to the end point, then it does nothing.


    Changes the form to full screen. If the form is already in full screen, then it remains in full screen.


    Shows the pan window. If the pan window is shown, close pan window.


    Moves active control to next.


    Moves active control to previous.