ComponentOne Bitmap for WPF
C1.WPF.DX.4.6.2 Assembly / C1.Util.DX Namespace / ComObjectCallback Class
Properties Methods Events

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    ComObjectCallback Class Members
    In This Topic

    The following tables list the members exposed by ComObjectCallback.

    Protected Constructors
    Protected ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the ComObject class.  
    Public Properties
    Public PropertyGets a value indicating whether this instance is disposed. (Inherited from C1.Util.DX.DisposeBase)
    Public PropertyGet a pointer to the underlying Cpp Object (Inherited from C1.Util.DX.CppObject)
    Public PropertyImplements ICallbackable but it cannot not be set. This is only used to support for interop with unmanaged callback.  
    Public PropertyGets or sets a custom user tag object to associate with this instance.. (Inherited from C1.Util.DX.CppObject)
    Public Methods
    Public MethodOverloaded. Clean up any resources being used. (Inherited from C1.Util.DX.ComObject)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Query this instance for a particular COM GUID/interface support. (Inherited from C1.Util.DX.ComObject)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Query instance for a particular COM GUID/interface support. (Inherited from C1.Util.DX.ComObject)
    Protected Methods
    Protected MethodReleases unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations before the DisposeBase is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from C1.Util.DX.DisposeBase)
    Protected MethodOverloaded. Initializes this instance with a pointer from a temporary object and set the pointer of the temporary object to IntPtr.Zero. (Inherited from C1.Util.DX.CppObject)
    Protected MethodMethod called when the CppObject.NativePointer is updated. (Inherited from C1.Util.DX.ComObject)
    Protected MethodMethod called when CppObject.NativePointer is going to be update. (Inherited from C1.Util.DX.ComObject)
    Protected MethodQuery Interface for a particular interface support and attach to the given instance. (Inherited from C1.Util.DX.ComObject)
    Public Events
    Public EventOccurs when this instance is fully disposed. (Inherited from C1.Util.DX.DisposeBase)
    Public EventOccurs when this instance is starting to be disposed. (Inherited from C1.Util.DX.DisposeBase)
    See Also