Core Library for WPF | ComponentOne
C1.WPF.Core Namespace / BreakLine Enumeration

In This Topic
    BreakLine Enumeration
    In This Topic
    Specifies hard line breaks before and/or after elements in a C1.WPF.C1WrapPanel..
    Public Enum BreakLine 
       Inherits System.Enum
    public enum BreakLine : System.Enum 
    AfterAdd a hard break after this element. The next element will be positioned in the next line.
    AfterAndBeforeAdd hard breaks before and after this element. It will be positioned by itself on a line.
    BeforeAdd a hard break before this element.
    NoneNo hard breaks. The next element will be positioned in the same line if there is enough room.
    Inheritance Hierarchy


    See Also