ComponentOne DataFilter for WPF
DataFilters / Custom Filter
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    Custom Filter
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    The DataFilter control allows you to create custom filters which can replace the default filter editors at runtime. It provides CustomFilter class which needs to be inherited for defining a custom filter. Inheriting the CustomFilter class provides access to its properties and methods which can further be used to create a custom filter in .NET and .NET Framework editions.

    The application depicts customized filtering of card models.

    Following example shows how you can create and add custom filter to the DataFilter control. It demonstrates how you can filter the car models using the MultiSelect control as a part of the DataFilter control UI.

    1. Define a custom filter by creating a new class which inherits the CustomFilter class. In the class constructor, use Control property of the CustomFilter class to specify the custom control that you want to use to perform filtering in the DataFilter control.
      Public Sub New()
          _modelFilterPresenter = New ModelFilterPresenter()
          Control = _modelFilterPresenter
          AddHandler _modelFilterPresenter.SelectedChanged, AddressOf OnValueChanged
      End Sub
      public ModelFilter()
          Control = _modelFilterPresenter = new ModelFilterPresenter();
          _modelFilterPresenter.SelectedChanged += (s, e) => OnValueChanged();
    2. Bind the MultiSelect control with data. In this example, we are binding the control with data using the SetTagList method.
      Public Sub SetTagList(ByVal itemSource As IEnumerable(Of Car))
      End Sub
      public void SetTagList(IEnumerable<Car> itemSource)
    3. Raise the SelectionChanged event of the MultiSelect control. This notifies the DataFilter control about the change in filter values.
      Private Sub MultiSelect_SelectionChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
          SelectedChangedEvent?.Invoke(Me, e)
      End Sub
      Public Sub SetTagList(ByVal itemSource As IEnumerable(Of Car))
          For Each item As C1MultiSelect In Items
              RemoveHandler item.SelectionChanged, AddressOf MultiSelect_SelectionChanged
          Next item
          Dim ms = New C1MultiSelect With {
              .Height = 50,
              .PlaceHolder = "Model of car",
              .ItemsSource = itemSource,
              .DisplayMemberPath = "Model",
              .SelectedValuePath = "Model",
              .AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend
          AddHandler ms.SelectionChanged, AddressOf MultiSelect_SelectionChanged
      End Sub
      private void MultiSelect_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) => SelectedChanged?.Invoke(this, e);
      public void SetTagList(IEnumerable<Car> itemSource)
          foreach (C1MultiSelect item in Items)
              item.SelectionChanged -= MultiSelect_SelectionChanged;
          var ms = new C1MultiSelect
              Height = 50,
              PlaceHolder = "Model of car",
              ItemsSource = itemSource,
              DisplayMemberPath = "Model",
              SelectedValuePath = "Model",
              AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend
          ms.SelectionChanged += MultiSelect_SelectionChanged;
    4. Implement the GetExpression abstract method of the CustomFilter class to create and return the filter expression which is to be used to filter the values in the data aware control.
      Protected Overrides Function GetExpression() As Expression
          Dim tags = _modelFilterPresenter.GetSelectedTagList()
          Dim expr = New CombinationExpression() With {.FilterCombination = FilterCombination.Or}
          For Each tag In tags
              expr.Expressions.Add(New OperationExpression() With {
                  .Value = tag,
                  .FilterOperation = FilterOperation.Equal,
                  .PropertyName = PropertyName
          Next tag
          Return expr
      End Function
      protected override Expression GetExpression()
          var tags = _modelFilterPresenter.GetSelectedTagList();
          var expr = new CombinationExpression() { FilterCombination = FilterCombination.Or };
          foreach (var tag in tags)
              expr.Expressions.Add(new OperationExpression() { Value = tag, FilterOperation = FilterOperation.Equal, PropertyName = PropertyName });
          return expr;
    5. Add the created custom filter, ModelFilter, to the DataFilter control to filter the car models shown in the FlexGrid control.
      Dim _carsTable As DataTable
      Dim _dataProvider As New DataProvider()
      Dim _data As IEnumerable(Of car)
      Sub New()
          ' This call is required by the designer.
          _carsTable = _dataProvider.GetCarTable()
          Dim Data = New C1DataCollection(Of car)(_dataProvider.GetCarDataCollection(_carsTable))
          grid.ItemsSource = Data
          c1DataFilter.ItemsSource = Data
          Dim mdf = New ModelFilter()
          mdf.HeaderText = "Model"
          mdf.PropertyName = "Model"
      End Sub
      Private Sub c1DataFilter_FilterChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
          grid.ItemsSource = c1DataFilter.View.Cast(Of car)().ToList()
      End Sub
      private DataProvider _dataProvider = new DataProvider();
      private IEnumerable<CountInStore> _data;
      public CustomFiltersSample()
          _data = _dataProvider.GetCarsInStores().ToList();
          c1DataFilter.ItemsSource = _data;
      private void InitFilters()
          //Model filter
          var mdf = new ModelFilter()
              HeaderText = "Model",
              PropertyName = "Car.Model"
          mdf.SetTagList(_data.GroupBy(x => x.Car).Select(g => g.Key));
      private void c1DataFilter_FilterChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
      private void UpdateTreeViewData(IEnumerable<CountInStore> data)
          treeView.ItemsSource = data.GroupBy(x => x.Car).Select(g => new CarStoreGroup { Car = g.Key, CountInStores = g.ToList() });

    Similarly, you can create any other custom filter.

    In DataFilter .NET version, there is an additional approach to the style the filters using ItemContainerStyle property of C1DataFilter class. The property allows setting the style of the expander where you can make it non-expandable, hide the icon, border, change the font, and more as shown in the image below.


    The above example can be created using the following XAML code for .NET verion.

    Copy Code
    <c1:C1DataFilter x:Name="c1DataFilter" Grid.Column="2" AutoGenerateFilters="False" FilterChanged="c1DataFilter_FilterChanged" FontFamily="Segoe UI">
            <Style TargetType="c1:C1Expander" BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type c1:C1Expander}}">
                <Setter Property="IsExpanded" Value="True"/>
                <Setter Property="IsExpandable" Value="False"/>
                <Setter Property="ExpandIconStyle">
                        <Style TargetType="ContentControl">
                            <Setter Property="Visibility" Value="Collapsed"/>
                <Setter Property="BorderThickness" Value="0"/>
                <Setter Property="HeaderStyle">
                        <Style TargetType="c1:ExpanderButton">
                            <Setter Property="FontWeight" Value="Bold"/>
                            <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="16"/>