ComponentOne DataFilter for WPF
FilterEditor / Filter Expressions
In This Topic
    Filter Expressions
    In This Topic

    The FilterEditor allows end-users to create complex filter criteria by adding filter combinations and operations as nodes. The TreeView based filtering UI can be attached to any control or information screen. For every operation, the control shows drop-down menu with available options.

    Filter Combination

    You can create complex filter expressions by adding logical filter combinations using CombinationExpression class which uses FilterCombination Enumeration of C1.DataCollection to add AND/OR logical functions. The table below describes the available logical functions.

    Function Description
    AND The function returns TRUE if all the arguments are TRUE.
    OR The function returns TRUE if any argument is TRUE.

    Filter Operation

    Further, you need to add the filter operations using OperationExpression class which enables the user to select the property name to which the expression applies, value of filter expression, and type of logical operation according to the selected field type using FilterOperation Enumeration of C1.DataCollection. The table below describes the available logical operators.

    Condition Description
    Equal Returns the values equal to the entered value.
    NotEqual Returns the values not equal to the entered value.
    GreaterThan Returns the values greater than the entered value.
    GreaterThanOrEqual Returns the values greater than or equal to the entered value.
    LessThan Returns the values less than the entered value.
    LessThanOrEqual Returns the values less than or equal to the entered value.
    EqualText Returns the values equal to the entered text.
    NotEqualText Returns the values not equal to the entered text.
    Contains Returns the values containing entered value.
    StartsWith Returns the values starting with entered value.
    EndsWith Returns the values ending with entered value.
    IsOneOf Returns the value one of the entered values.

    The image below shows the creation of filter expression by adding different combinations and operations.

    Filter editor with filter expression by adding different combinations and operations

    Below code example demonstrates the implementation of Filter Combinations and Operations in FilterEditor as shown in the above scenario. 

    private static CombinationExpression GetPredefinedFilter()
        var filterExpression = new CombinationExpression();
        var filterExpressions = filterExpression.Expressions;
        var NameContainsExpression = new OperationExpression()
            // Adding first operation to AND combination
            PropertyName = "Name",
            FilterOperation = FilterOperation.Contains,
            Value = "a"
        var CountryNotEqualExpression = new OperationExpression()
            // Adding second operation to AND combination
            PropertyName = "Country",
            FilterOperation = FilterOperation.NotEqualText,
            Value = "Myanmar"
        //Adding new Or combination
        var OrExpression = new CombinationExpression();
        OrExpression.FilterCombination = FilterCombination.Or;
        var brandExpressions = OrExpression.Expressions;
        //Adding first operation to OR combination
        var IDGreaterThanExpression = new OperationExpression()
            PropertyName = "ID",
            FilterOperation = FilterOperation.GreaterThan,
            Value = "3"
        //Adding second operation to OR combination
        var NameEndsWithExpression = new OperationExpression()
            PropertyName = "Name",
            FilterOperation = FilterOperation.EndsWith,
            Value = "n"
        return filterExpression;
    Private Shared Function GetPredefinedFilter() As CombinationExpression
        Dim filterExpression = New CombinationExpression()
        Dim filterExpressions = filterExpression.Expressions
        ' Adding first operation to And combination
        Dim NameContainsExpression = New OperationExpression() With {
        .PropertyName = "Name",
        .FilterOperation = FilterOperation.Contains,
        .Value = "a"
        ' Adding second operation to And combination
        Dim CountryNotEqualExpression = New OperationExpression() With {
        .PropertyName = "Country",
        .FilterOperation = FilterOperation.NotEqualText,
        .Value = "Myanmar"
        ' Adding new Or combination
        Dim OrExpression = New CombinationExpression()
        OrExpression.FilterCombination = FilterCombination.[Or]
        Dim brandExpressions = OrExpression.Expressions
        ' Adding first operation to OR combination
        Dim IDGreaterThanExpression = New OperationExpression() With {
        .PropertyName = "ID",
        .FilterOperation = FilterOperation.GreaterThan,
        .Value = "3"
        ' Adding second operation to Or combination
        Dim NameEndsWithExpression = New OperationExpression() With {
        .PropertyName = "Name",
        .FilterOperation = FilterOperation.EndsWith,
        .Value = "n"
        Return filterExpression
    End Function

    Apply and Clear Filter

    To apply the filter conditions given in example above, C1FilterEditor provides ApplyFilterAsync method that applies the filter to the data source asynchronously. You can also use ClearFilter method that removes all the expressions from the filter as shown in the GIF below.

    To implement apply and clear filter feature, you can use the following code example.

    // Apply Filter asynchronously to filter
    // Remove expressions from filter
    ' Apply Filter asynchronously to filter
    ' Remove expressions from filter