Excel for WPF | ComponentOne
C1Excel Task-Based Help / Adding a Page Break to a Worksheet
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    Adding a Page Break to a Worksheet
    In This Topic

    You can easily add page breaks in rows and columns for files in OpenXML (.xlsx) format using the PageBreak and PageBreak properties.

    1. Add a reference to C1.WPF.Excel.dll or C1.Silverlight.Excel.dll and create a C1XLBook.

      Copy Code
      // Create a new workbook to be saved
       C1XLBook book = new C1XLBook();
    2. Add some text values and page breaks using the following code:

      Copy Code
      book.Sheets[0][2, 3].Value = "page1";
      book.Sheets[0].Rows[2].PageBreak = true;
      book.Sheets[0][0, 1].Value = "test1";
      book.Sheets[0][0, 2].Value = "test2";
      book.Sheets[0].Columns[1].PageBreak = true;
      book.Sheets[0][3, 3].Value = "page2";
    3. Save and open the .xlsx file.

      Copy Code
      // Save and open the file
    4. In Excel, select the Page Layout tab, and select the Print checkbox under Gridlines. The worksheet should look similar to the following:

      Page Break