FlexSheet for WPF | ComponentOne
Customizing Appearance / Customizing Tab Strip / Hiding Tab Strip
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    Hiding Tab Strip
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    FlexSheet for WPF provides the ability to hide the tab strip containing multiple sheet tabs using ShowSingleTab property of the C1FlexSheet control.

    In Design View

    1. Select the C1FlexSheet control. Ensure that only one sheet is added to the control.
    2. Navigate to the Properties window and locate the ShowSingleTab property in Miscellaneous drop-down section
    3. Uncheck the ShowSingleTab property CheckBox as shown in the image below:

      Uncheck ShowSingleTab property

    In XAML

    You can hide the tab strip appearing in the FlexSheet control by setting the ShowSingleTab property to False. Following code illustrates the use of ShowSingleTab property:

    Copy Code
    <c1:C1FlexSheet x:Name="flexsheet1" BorderBrush="Gray" BorderThickness="1" 
                    Grid.Row="1" Width="1000"  HorizontalAlignment="Left" ShowSingleTab="False" EditOptions="Rename" />

    In Code

    You can also set the ShowSingleTab property in Code view using the following code:

    flexsheet1.ShowSingleTab = False
    flexsheet1.ShowSingleTab = false;