FlexSheet for WPF | ComponentOne
Customizing Appearance / Customizing Cells / Cell Formatting / Number Formatting
In This Topic
    Number Formatting
    In This Topic

    FlexSheet for WPF provides various options to display numbers in different number formats wherein you have the following categories to choose from:

    By default, General category is selected in C1FlexSheet. General category does not have any special rule of formatting. You can change the number formatting of the cells to number, decimal, currency, percentage or scientific format. For example, to create a worksheet for your monthly or yearly business budgets, you can show the monetary values in Currency number format.

    To format numbers in your C1FlexSheet worksheet, follow the steps given below:

    1. Add C1FlexSheet control and C1Toolbar to your application.
    2. Add a ComboBox, NumericBox and a button to the ToolBar using the following code:
      Copy Code
      <ComboBox x:Name="formatList" ItemsSource="{Binding NumberFormats}" Width="80"
                DisplayMemberPath="Name" Height="25"
                SelectedValue="{Binding SelectedFormat, Mode=TwoWay}"
      <c1:C1NumericBox x:Name="decimalPlacesBox" Minimum="0" Margin="10,0,0,0" ValueChanged="decimalPlacesBox_ValueChanged"></c1:C1NumericBox>
      <Button x:Name="numberButton" Content="Apply" Click="numberButton_Click" Margin="20,10,0,0"></Button>
    3. Create a class named NumberFormat which inherits INotifyPropertyChanged interface. NumberFormat class contains SelectedFormat property to get and set the selected format of numbers.
    4. Add the following code in Code view to set the SelectedFormat property of NumberFormat class:
      Public Property SelectedFormat() As NumberFormat
                      Return _selectedFormat
              End Get
                      _selectedFormat = value
              End Set
      End Property
      public NumberFormat SelectedFormat
              return _selectedFormat;
              _selectedFormat = value;

      Also, add the following code in Code view to set the NumberFormats property of ObservableCollection data collection of Number type:

      Public Property NumberFormats() As ObservableCollection(Of NumberFormat)
                      Return _numberFormats
              End Get
                      _numberFormats = value
              End Set
      End Property
      public ObservableCollection<NumberFormat> NumberFormats
              return _numberFormats;
              _numberFormats = value;
    5. Define InitializeNumberFormats() method to specify the formats that will be used to change the number formatting:
      Public Sub InitializeNumberFormats()
              NumberFormats = New ObservableCollection(Of NumberFormat)()
              Dim generalFormat As New NumberFormat()
              generalFormat.Name = "General"
              generalFormat.Format = "G"
              Dim numberFormat As New NumberFormat()
              numberFormat.Name = "Number"
              numberFormat.Format = "N"
              Dim currencyFormat As New NumberFormat()
              currencyFormat.Name = "Currency"
              currencyFormat.Format = "C"
              Dim percentFormat As New NumberFormat()
              percentFormat.Name = "Percentage"
              percentFormat.Format = "P"
              Dim exponentialFormat As New NumberFormat()
              exponentialFormat.Name = "Scientific"
              exponentialFormat.Format = "E"
              SelectedFormat = generalFormat
      End Sub
      public void InitializeNumberFormats()
          NumberFormats = new ObservableCollection<NumberFormat>();
          NumberFormat generalFormat = new NumberFormat();
          generalFormat.Name = "General";
          generalFormat.Format = "G";
          NumberFormat numberFormat = new NumberFormat();
          numberFormat.Name = "Number";
          numberFormat.Format = "N";
          NumberFormat currencyFormat = new NumberFormat();
          currencyFormat.Name = "Currency";
          currencyFormat.Format = "C";
          NumberFormat percentFormat = new NumberFormat();
          percentFormat.Name = "Percentage";
          percentFormat.Format = "P";
          NumberFormat exponentialFormat = new NumberFormat();
          exponentialFormat.Name = "Scientific";
          exponentialFormat.Format = "E";
          SelectedFormat = generalFormat;
    6. Add the following code to the FormatList ComboBox that monitors the selection and sends information to the console to show the list of available number formats when the selection changes:
      Dim selectedFormat__1 = TryCast(e.AddedItems(0), NumberFormat)
      Select Case selectedFormat__1.Name
              Case "General"
                      decimalPlacesBox.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed
                      decimalPlacesBox.Value = 0
                      SelectedFormat.Format = selectedFormat__1.Format
                      Exit Select
              Case "Number"
                      decimalPlacesBox.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible
                      SelectedFormat.Format = selectedFormat__1.Format
                      Exit Select
              Case "Currency"
                      decimalPlacesBox.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible
                      SelectedFormat.Format = selectedFormat__1.Format
                      Exit Select
              Case "Percentage"
                      decimalPlacesBox.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible
                      SelectedFormat.Format = selectedFormat__1.Format
                      Exit Select
              Case "Scientific"
                      decimalPlacesBox.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible
                      SelectedFormat.Format = selectedFormat__1.Format
                      Exit Select
      End Select
      var selectedFormat = e.AddedItems[0] as NumberFormat;
      switch (selectedFormat.Name)
          case "General":
              decimalPlacesBox.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
              decimalPlacesBox.Value = 0;
              SelectedFormat.Format = selectedFormat.Format;
          case "Number":
              decimalPlacesBox.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
              SelectedFormat.Format = selectedFormat.Format;
          case "Currency":
              decimalPlacesBox.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
              SelectedFormat.Format = selectedFormat.Format;
          case "Percentage":
              decimalPlacesBox.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
              SelectedFormat.Format = selectedFormat.Format;
          case "Scientific":
              decimalPlacesBox.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
              SelectedFormat.Format = selectedFormat.Format;
    7. Add the given code to avail the selection of decimal places while changing the number format:
      SelectedFormat.DecimalPlaces = CInt(e.NewValue)
      SelectedFormat.DecimalPlaces = (int)e.NewValue;
    8. Add this code on the click event of the button, numberButton in our case, to apply the selected format in the previous step:
      Dim cellrange = flex.Selection.Cells
      For Each rng As var In cellrange
              If rng.IsValid Then
                      Dim row = TryCast(flex.Rows(rng.Row), ExcelRow)
                      Dim col = flex.Columns(rng.Column)
                      Dim excelCellStyle As New ExcelCellStyle()
                      If row IsNot Nothing Then
                              Dim cs = TryCast(row.GetCellStyle(col), ExcelCellStyle)
                              If cs IsNot Nothing Then
                                      excelCellStyle = cs
                              End If
                      End If
                      'set selected Number formatting on cells
                      excelCellStyle.Format = SelectedFormat.Format + SelectedFormat.DecimalPlaces
                      row.SetCellStyle(col, excelCellStyle)
              End If
      var cellrange = flex.Selection.Cells;
      foreach (var rng in cellrange)
          if (rng.IsValid)
              var row = flex.Rows[rng.Row] as ExcelRow;
              var col = flex.Columns[rng.Column];
              ExcelCellStyle excelCellStyle = new ExcelCellStyle();
              if (row != null)
                  var cs = row.GetCellStyle(col) as ExcelCellStyle;
                  if (cs != null)
                      excelCellStyle = cs;
              //set selected Number formatting on cells
              excelCellStyle.Format = SelectedFormat.Format + SelectedFormat.DecimalPlaces;
              row.SetCellStyle(col, excelCellStyle);
    9. Select the cells with numeric data to change the number format.
    10. Select a category from the available category list in Number tab.
      Set the decimal places if required.
    11. Click Apply button to see the applied number format.
      On applying number format, FlexSheet control looks similar to the image given below:

      In the above image, the selected number format is Currency.