ComponentOne Gauges for WPF and Silverlight
Silverlight Quick Start / Step 2 of 4: Adding Controls
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    Step 2 of 4: Adding Controls
    In This Topic

    In this step you'll set up the application by adding C1RadialGaugeC1LinearGauge, and C1Knob controls to the project as well as a standard TextBox control which will display the current value of the gauge controls.

    To set add the gauge controls to your application, complete the following steps:

    1. In the XAML window of the project, place the cursor between the <StackPanel x:Name="sp2"> and </StackPanel> tags.
    2. Navigate to the Toolbox and double-click the C1Knob icon to add the control to the StackPanel. The XAML markup will now look similar to the following:
      Copy Code
          mc:Ignorable="d" d:DesignWidth="640" d:DesignHeight="480">
        <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">
      <StackPanel x:Name="sp1" Width="Auto" Height="Auto"
      Orientation="Vertical" HorizontalAlignment="Center"
      <StackPanel x:Name="sp2" Width="Auto" Height="Auto"
      Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Center"


      Note that the C1.Silverlight.Gauge namespace and <c1:C1Knob></c1:C1Knob> tags have been added to the project.

    3. Give your control a name by adding x:Name="c1kb1" to the <c1:C1Knob> tag so that it appears similar to the following:
      <c1:C1Knob x:Name="c1kb1">

      By giving it a unique identifier, you'll be able to access the control in code.

    4. Resize your control a margin by adding Width="150" to the <c1:C1Knob> tag so that it appears similar to the following:
      <c1:C1Knob x:Name="c1kb1" Width="150">

      The control will appear smaller when the application is run.

    5. Give your control a margin by adding Margin="5" to the <c1:C1Knob> tag so that it appears similar to the following:
      <c1:C1Knob x:Name="c1kb1" Width="150" Margin="5">

      This will add spacing between the C1Knob and other controls you will add to the page.

    6. Add ValueChanged="c1kb1_ValueChanged" to the <c1:C1Knob> tag so that it appears similar to the following:
      <c1:C1Knob x:Name="c1kb1" Width="150" Margin="5" ValueChanged="c1kb1_ValueChanged">

      You will add code for this event handler in a later step.

    7. In the XAML window of the project, place the cursor between the </c1:C1Knob> and </StackPanel> tags.
    8. Navigate to the Toolbox and double-click the C1RadialGauge icon to add the control to the StackPanel.
    9. Customize the control by adding x:Name="c1rg1" Width="150" Margin="5" to the <c1:C1RadialGauge> tag so that it appears similar to the following:

      <c1:C1RadialGauge x:Name="c1rg1" Width="150" Margin="5">

      This will give the C1RadialGauge a name, resize the control, and add spacing between this and other controls.

    10. In the XAML window of the project, place the cursor between the first and second </StackPanel> tag.
    11. Navigate to the Toolbox and double-click the TextBox icon to add the standard control to the StackPanel.
    12. Customize the control by adding x:Name="tb1" Width="300" Margin="5" TextChanged="tb1_TextChanged" to the <TextBox> tag so that it appears similar to the following:

      <TextBox x:Name="tb1" Width="300" Margin="5" TextChanged="tb1_TextChanged">

      This will give the TextBox a name, resize the control, and add spacing between this and other controls. You will add code for the event handler in a later step.

    13. In the XAML window of the project, place the cursor between the </TextBox> and </StackPanel> tags.
    14. Navigate to the Toolbox and double-click the C1LinearGauge icon to add the control to the StackPanel.
    15. Customize the control by adding x:Name="c1lg1" Width="300" Height="125" Margin="5" to the <c1:C1LinearGauge> tag so that it appears similar to the following:

      <c1:C1LinearGauge x:Name="c1lg1" Width="300" Height="125" Margin="5">

      This will give the C1LinearGauge control a name, resize the control, and add spacing between this and other controls.

    16. Run the application and observe that it appears similar to the following:



    You've successfully set up your application's user interface – you've added Gauges for Silverlight controls to the application and customized those controls. In the next step you'll add code to your application.