ComponentOne Input Library for WPF
Input Library Overview / Multiselect / Item Operations
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    Item Operations
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    MultiSelect allows you to add, remove, and access specific items with minimal code. It also lets you display or hide the check boxes and dropdown button appearing in the control. Learn how they can be implemented.

    Add an item

    To add items to the MultiSelect control, use Add method of ItemCollection class as shown in the following code. For example, the following code adds a name “Patrick Smith” in dropdown list of the MultiSelect control with the email id:

    An item in WPF MultiSelect

    <c1:C1MultiSelect x:Name="mselect" Height="100" Width="350"  >
        <c1:C1MultiSelectItem Content="Patrick Smith &lt;;"/>
    mselect.Items.Add("Patrick Smith <>");

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    Edit an item

    By default, editing is enabled in the MultiSelect control. However, you can choose to allow or restrict a user to edit tags in the control header through IsTagEditable property.

    <c1:C1MultiSelect x:Name="mselect" IsTagEditable="False" Height="100" Width="350"></c1:C1MultiSelect>
    mselect.IsTagEditable = false;
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    Remove an item

    MultiSelect lets you delete an item from the list using RemoveAt method of ItemCollection class as shown in the following code. The method takes one argument, index, which specifies the item to remove. For example, the following code deletes sixth entry from the list.

    Copy Code

    To remove all the entries from the list, use Clear method as shown in the following code:

    Copy Code
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    Show/Hide check boxes

    By default, list of items in the MultiSelect control are displayed with check boxes. However, you can disable the default style by setting ShowCheckBoxes property to false.

    Check Boxes MultiSelect WPF Control

    To hide the check boxes from the list, use the following code:

    <c1:C1MultiSelect x:Name="mselect" ShowCheckBoxes="False" Height="100" Width="350" ></c1:C1MultiSelect>
    mselect.ShowCheckBoxes = false;
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    Show/Hide dropdown button

    MultiSelect displays the dropdown button to show the list of available items. However, you can hide the dropdown button in the control by setting ShowDropDownButton property to false.

    Show/Hide Buttons MultiSelect WPF Control

    To hide the drop down button, use the following code:

    <c1:C1MultiSelect x:Name="mselect" ShowDropDownButton="False" Height="100" Width="350" ></c1:C1MultiSelect>
    mselect.ShowDropDownButton = false;
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