ComponentOne InputPanel for WPF
Data Binding / Binding InputPanel with CollectionView
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    Binding InputPanel with CollectionView
    In This Topic

    Collection binding can be implemented in InputPanel using ICollectionView, an interface with record management, filtering, grouping, and sorting functionalities. To bind InputPanel to an ObservableCollection, InputPanel can be bound to an object that implements the ICollectionView interface. In the following example, we have used the ObservableCollection<T> class as a binding source to obtain the collection and the CollectionView class that implements the ICollectionView interface to display the source collection. Later, bind the InputPanel control to the ICollectionView using the ItemsSource property of the C1InputPanel class.

    Perform the following steps for data binding using ICollectionView:

    1. Set up the application
    2. Create a data source for InputPanel
    3. Bind InputPanel to ICollectionView

    Set up the application

    1. Create a WPF application.
    2. Add InputPanel control to the application and name it 'InPanel'.
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    Create a data source for InputPanel

    1. Add a new class, Product, to the application.
    2. Add the following fields to the class.
      Shared lines As String() = "Computers|Washers|Stoves".Split("|"c)
      Shared colors As String() = "Red|Green|Blue|White".Split("|"c)
      static string[] lines = "Computers|Washers|Stoves".Split('|');
      static string[] colors = "Red|Green|Blue|White".Split('|');
    3. Add the following properties and methods to the class.
      Public Property Line() As String
              Return DirectCast(GetValue("Line"), String)
          End Get
          Set(value As String)
              SetValue("Line", value)
          End Set
      End Property
      Public Property Color() As String
              Return DirectCast(GetValue("Color"), String)
          End Get
          Set(value As String)
              SetValue("Color", value)
          End Set
      End Property
      Public Property Name() As String
              Return DirectCast(GetValue("Name"), String)
          End Get
          Set(value As String)
              SetValue("Name", value)
          End Set
      End Property
      Public Property Price() As Double
              Return CDbl(GetValue("Price"))
          End Get
          Set(value As Double)
              SetValue("Price", value)
          End Set
      End Property
      Public Property Weight() As Double
              Return CDbl(GetValue("Weight"))
          End Get
          Set(value As Double)
              SetValue("Weight", value)
          End Set
      End Property
      Public Property Cost() As Double
              Return CDbl(GetValue("Cost"))
          End Get
          Set(value As Double)
              SetValue("Cost", value)
          End Set
      End Property
      Public Property Volume() As Double
              Return CDbl(GetValue("Volume"))
          End Get
          Set(value As Double)
              SetValue("Volume", value)
          End Set
      End Property
      Public Property Discontinued() As Boolean
              Return CBool(GetValue("Discontinued"))
          End Get
          Set(value As Boolean)
              SetValue("Discontinued", value)
          End Set
      End Property
      Public Property Rating() As Integer
              Return CInt(GetValue("Rating"))
          End Get
          Set(value As Integer)
              SetValue("Rating", value)
          End Set
      End Property
      ' get/set values
      Private values As New Dictionary(Of String, Object)()
      Private Function GetValue(p As String) As Object
          Dim value As Object
          values.TryGetValue(p, value)
          Return value
      End Function
      Private Sub SetValue(p As String, value As Object)
          If Not Object.Equals(value, GetValue(p)) Then
              values(p) = value
          End If
      End Sub
      Public Shared Function GetLines() As String()
          Return lines
      End Function
      [Display(Name = "Line")]
      public string Line
          get { return (string)GetValue("Line"); }
          set { SetValue("Line", value); }
      [Display(Name = "Color")]
      public string Color
          get { return (string)GetValue("Color"); }
          set { SetValue("Color", value); }
      [Display(Name = "Name")]
      public string Name
          get { return (string)GetValue("Name"); }
          set { SetValue("Name", value); }
      [Display(Name = "Price")]
      public double Price
          get { return (double)GetValue("Price"); }
          set { SetValue("Price", value); }
      [Display(Name = "Weight")]
      public double Weight
          get { return (double)GetValue("Weight"); }
          set { SetValue("Weight", value); }
      [Display(Name = "Cost")]
      public double Cost
          get { return (double)GetValue("Cost"); }
          set { SetValue("Cost", value); }
      [Display(Name = "Volume")]
      public double Volume
          get { return (double)GetValue("Volume"); }
          set { SetValue("Volume", value); }
      [Display(Name = "Discontinued")]
      public bool Discontinued
          get { return (bool)GetValue("Discontinued"); }
          set { SetValue("Discontinued", value); }
      [Display(Name = "Rating")]
      public int Rating
          get { return (int)GetValue("Rating"); }
          set { SetValue("Rating", value); }
      // get/set values
      Dictionary<string, object> values = new Dictionary<string, object>();
      object GetValue(string p)
          object value;
          values.TryGetValue(p, out value);
          return value;
      void SetValue(string p, object value)
          if (!object.Equals(value, GetValue(p)))
              values[p] = value;
      protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string p)
          if (PropertyChanged != null)
              PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(p));
      public static string[] GetLines()
          return lines;
    4. Create a method, GetProducts, of IEnumerable interface using the following code.
      Public Shared Function GetProducts(count As Integer) As IEnumerable
          Dim list = New ObservableCollection(Of Products)()
          Dim rnd = New Random(0)
          For i As Integer = 0 To count - 1
              Dim p = New Products()
              p.Line = lines(rnd.[Next]() Mod lines.Length)
              p.Color = colors(rnd.[Next]() Mod colors.Length)
              p.Name = _
                  String.Format("{0} {1}{2}", _
                                p.Line.Substring(0, p.Line.Length - 1), _
                                p.Line(0), i)
              p.Price = (rnd.[Next](1, 1000) + _
                         rnd.[Next](1, 1000) + _
                         rnd.[Next](1, 1000)) / 3
              p.Weight = (rnd.[Next](1, 100) + _
                          rnd.[Next](1, 100) + _
                          rnd.[Next](1, 300)) / 5
              p.Cost = rnd.[Next](1, 600)
              p.Volume = rnd.[Next](500, 5000)
              p.Discontinued = rnd.NextDouble() < 0.1
              p.Rating = rnd.[Next](0, 5)
          Return list
      End Function
      public static IEnumerable GetProducts(int count)
          var list = new ObservableCollection<Products>();
          var rnd = new Random(0);
          for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
              var p = new Products();
              p.Line = lines[rnd.Next() % lines.Length];
              p.Color = colors[rnd.Next() % colors.Length];
              p.Name = string.Format("{0} {1}{2}", 
                  p.Line.Substring(0, p.Line.Length - 1), p.Line[0], i);
              p.Price = (rnd.Next(1, 1000) + rnd.Next(1, 1000) + rnd.Next(1, 1000)) / 3;
              p.Weight = (rnd.Next(1, 100) + rnd.Next(1, 100) + rnd.Next(1, 300)) / 5;
              p.Cost = rnd.Next(1, 600);
              p.Volume = rnd.Next(500, 5000);
              p.Discontinued = rnd.NextDouble() < .1;
              p.Rating = rnd.Next(0, 5);
          return list;
    5. Add the following code to create a property, CustomerCollectionView, of ICollectionView interface which uses the C1CollectionView class to display the source collection.
      Private Shared view As ICollectionView
      Public Shared ReadOnly Property _
          CustomerCollectionView() As ICollectionView
              If view Is Nothing Then
                  Dim products__1 = Products.GetProducts(50)
                  view = New CollectionView(products__1)
              End If
              Return view
          End Get
      End Property
      private static ICollectionView view;
      public static ICollectionView 
              if (view == null)
                  var products = Products.GetProducts(50);
                  view = new CollectionView(products);
              return view;
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    Bind InputPanel to ICollectionView

    1. Add the following code to bind the InputPanel control with data using the ItemsSource property.
      InPanel.ItemsSource = CustomerCollectionView
      InPanel.ItemsSource = CustomerCollectionView;
    2. Press F5 to run the application.
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