ComponentOne InputPanel for WPF
Working with InputPanel / Integration with Grids
In This Topic
    Integration with Grids
    In This Topic

    InputPanel supports seamless integration with grid controls including MS DataGrid and ComponentOne's FlexGrid and DataGrid. These grid controls come with a baked-in data template, RowDetailsTemplate, which can be used to embed UI elements within a collapsible section for each row. Using this template, the InputPanel can be embedded to display the details of each row in a compact layout. You can interact with the template in XAML view, and set its binding in code to implement integration. In this section, we discuss how InputPanel can be integrated in FlexGrid control.

    The following image shows an InputPanel integrated with a FlexGrid (C1FlexGrid).

    InputPanel integrated in FlexGrid

    To integrate InputPanel with ComponentOne FlexGrid

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    Step 1: Set up the application

    1. Create a WPF application and add the InputPanel control onto the designer.
    2. Add C1.WPF.DataGrid dll in the References folder of your application.
    3. Initialize the RowDetailsTemplate of the grid in XAML view and set binding property as illustrated.
      Copy Code
      <c1:C1FlexGrid Name="flexgrid">
                  <c1:C1InputPanel CurrentItem="{Binding .}"/>

    Step 2: Create a data source

    1. Create a Customer class to add records into the InputPanel, and an enumeration to accept values for Occupation field.
      Public Class Customer
          Public Property ID() As String
                  Return m_ID
              End Get
                  m_ID = Value
              End Set
          End Property
          Private m_ID As String
          Public Property Country() As String
                  Return m_Country
              End Get
                  m_Country = Value
              End Set
          End Property
          Private m_Country As String
          Public Property Name() As String
                  Return m_Name
              End Get
                  m_Name = Value
              End Set
          End Property
          Private m_Name As String
          Public Property Age() As Integer
                  Return m_Age
              End Get
                  m_Age = Value
              End Set
          End Property
          Private m_Age As Integer
          Public Property Weight() As Double
                  Return m_Weight
              End Get
                  m_Weight = Value
              End Set
          End Property
          Private m_Weight As Double
          Public Property Occupation() As Occupation
                  Return m_Occupation
              End Get
                  m_Occupation = Value
              End Set
          End Property
          Private m_Occupation As Occupation
          Public Property Phone() As String
                  Return m_Phone
              End Get
                  m_Phone = Value
              End Set
          End Property
          Private m_Phone As String
          Public Property Salary() As Integer
                  Return m_Salary
              End Get
                  m_Salary = Value
              End Set
          End Property
          Private m_Salary As Integer
          Public Sub New(id As String, country As String, name As String,
                         age As Integer, weight As Double, occupation As Occupation,
              phone As String, salary As Integer)
              Me.ID = id
              Me.Country = country
              Me.Name = name
              Me.Age = age
              Me.Weight = weight
              Me.Occupation = occupation
              Me.Phone = phone
              Me.Salary = salary
          End Sub
      End Class
      Public Enum Occupation
      End Enum
      public class Customer
          public string ID { get; set; }
          public string Country { get; set; }
          public string Name { get; set; }
          public int Age { get; set; }
          public double Weight { get; set; }
          public Occupation Occupation { get; set; }
          public string Phone { get; set; }
          public int Salary { get; set; }
          public Customer(string id, string country, string name,
              int age, double weight, Occupation occupation, string phone, int salary)
              this.ID = id;
              this.Country = country;
              this.Name = name;
              this.Age = age;
              this.Weight = weight;
              this.Occupation = occupation;
              this.Phone = phone;
              this.Salary = salary;
      public enum Occupation
    2. Switch to the MainWindow.xaml.cs file and add the following code to create a collection of records in the class constructor.
      Dim data As New List(Of Customer)()
      data.Add(New Customer("100001", "United States", "Jack Danson", 40, 102.03, Occupation.Executive,
      "1371234567", 400000000))
      data.Add(New Customer("100002", "China", "Tony Tian", 32, 82.2, Occupation.Engineer,
      "1768423846", 500))
      data.Add(New Customer("100003", "Iran", "Larry Frommer", 15, 40.432, Occupation.Artist,
      "8473637486", 600))
      data.Add(New Customer("100004", "Germany", "Charlie Krause", 26, 69.32, Occupation.Doctor,
      "675245438", 700))
      data.Add(New Customer("100005", "India", "Mark Ambers", 51, 75.45, Occupation.Other,
      "1673643842", 800))
      List<Customer> data = new List<Customer>();
      data.Add(new Customer("100001", "United States", "Jack Danson",
          40, 102.03, Occupation.Executive, "1371234567", 400000000));
      data.Add(new Customer("100002", "China", "Tony Tian",
          32, 82.2, Occupation.Engineer, "1768423846", 500));
      data.Add(new Customer("100003", "Iran", "Larry Frommer",
          15, 40.432, Occupation.Artist, "8473637486", 600));
      data.Add(new Customer("100004", "Germany", "Charlie Krause",
          26, 69.32, Occupation.Doctor, "675245438", 700));
      data.Add(new Customer("100005", "India", "Mark Ambers",
          51, 75.45, Occupation.Other, "1673643842", 800));

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    Step 3: Integrate InputPanel with FlexGrid

    1. To integrate the InputPanel with FlexGrid, set the ItemsSource property of the grid to the collection in the class constructor.
      flexgrid.ItemsSource = data
      flexgrid.ItemsSource = data.ToList<Customer>();

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    Similarly, you can integrate InputPanel with MS DataGrid and ComponentOne DataGrid using RowDetailTemplate property.
    See Also