OLAP for WPF and Silverlight | ComponentOne
C1Olap Quick Start / Customizing the C1OlapPage / Creating Predefined Views
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    Creating Predefined Views
    In This Topic

    In addition to the ViewDefinition property, which gets or sets the current view as an XML string, the C1OlapPage control also exposes ReadXml and WriteXml methods that allow you to persist views to files and streams. These methods are automatically invoked by the C1OlapPage when you click the “Load” and “Save” buttons in the built-in menu.

    These methods allow you to implement predefined views very easily. To do this, start by creating some views and saving each one by pressing the “Save” button. For this sample, we will create five views showing sales by:

    1. Product and Country
    2. Employee and Country
    3. Employee and Month
    4. Employee and Weekday
    5. Employee and Year

    Once you have created and saved all the views, create a new XML file called “DefaultViews.xml” with a single “OlapViews” node, then copy and paste all your default views into this document. Next, add an “id” tag to each view and assign each one a unique name. This name will be shown in the user interface (it is not required by C1OlapGrid). Your XML file should look like this:

    Copy Code
      <C1OlapPage id="Product vs Country">
       <!-- view definition omitted... -->
      <C1OlapPage id="Employee vs Country">
        <!-- view definition omitted... -->
      <C1OlapPage id="Employee vs Month">
       <!-- view definition omitted... -->
      <C1OlapPage id="Employee vs Weekday">>
        <!-- view definition omitted... -->
      <C1OlapPage id="Employee vs Year">
        <!-- view definition omitted... -->

    Now add this file to the project as a resource. To do this, add a new folder to your project and call it “Resources.” Then right-click the Resources folder in the solution explorer, then select the “Add Existing File…” option. Select the XML file and click OK.

    Now that the view definitions are ready, we need to expose them in our menu so the user can select them. To do this, copy the following code into the project:

    Visual Basic
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    Public Sub New()
        'no changes here
        ' get predefined views from XML resource
        Dim views = New Dictionary(Of String, String)()
        Using s = asm.GetManifestResourceStream("OlapQuickStart.Resources.OlapViews.xml")
            Using reader = XmlReader.Create(s)
                ' read predefined view definitions
                While reader.Read()
                    If reader.NodeType = XmlNodeType.Element AndAlso reader.Name = "C1OlapPage" Then
                        Dim id = reader.GetAttribute("id")
                        Dim def = reader.ReadOuterXml()
                        views(id) = def
                    End If
                End While
            End Using
        End Using
        ' build new menu with predefined views
        Dim menuViews = New C1MenuItem()
        menuViews.Header = "View"
        menuViews.Icon = GetImage("Resources/views.png")
        menuViews.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center
        ToolTipService.SetToolTip(menuViews, "Select a predefined Olap view.")
        For Each id As var In views.Keys
            Dim mi = New C1MenuItem()
            mi.Header = id
            mi.Tag = views(id)
            mi.Click += mi_Click
        ' add new menu to the page's main menu
        _c1OlapPage.MainMenu.Items.Insert(6, menuViews)
    End Sub
    Copy Code
    public MainPage()
        //no changes here
       // get predefined views from XML resource
        var views = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        using (var s = asm.GetManifestResourceStream("OlapQuickStart.Resources.OlapViews.xml"))
        using (var reader = XmlReader.Create(s))
            // read predefined view definitions
            while (reader.Read())
                if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && reader.Name == "C1OlapPage")
                    var id = reader.GetAttribute("id");
                    var def = reader.ReadOuterXml();
                    views[id] = def;
        // build new menu with predefined views
        var menuViews = new C1MenuItem();
        menuViews.Header = "View";
        menuViews.Icon = GetImage("Resources/views.png");
        menuViews.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
        ToolTipService.SetToolTip(menuViews, "Select a predefined Olap view.");
        foreach (var id in views.Keys)
            var mi = new C1MenuItem();
            mi.Header = id;
            mi.Tag = views[id];
            mi.Click += mi_Click;
       // add new menu to the page's main menu
        _c1OlapPage.MainMenu.Items.Insert(6, menuViews);

    The code loads the XML document with the OLAP definitions, creates a new drop-down menu item using C1Menu, and populates the drop-down with the views found. Each menu item contains the view name in its Header property, and the actual XML node in its Tag property. The node will be used later to apply the view when the user selects it.

    Once the drop-down is ready, the code adds it to the C1OlapPage using the MainMenu property. The new button is added after the first several buttons.

    There is a simple method called above to load the new menu button’s image, GetImage. Loading a single image does not require this amount of work; however if you load multiple images you will want a nice common method to use time and again.

    Visual Basic
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    ' utility to load an image from a URI
    Private Shared Function GetImage(name As String) As Image
        Dim uri = New Uri(name, UriKind.Relative)
        Dim img = New Image()
        img.Source = New BitmapImage(uri)
        img.Stretch = Stretch.None
        img.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center
        img.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center
        Return img
    End Function
    Copy Code
    // utility to load an image from a URI
    static Image GetImage(string name)
        var uri = new Uri(name, UriKind.Relative);
        var img = new Image();
        img.Source = new BitmapImage(uri);
        img.Stretch = Stretch.None;
        img.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
        img.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
        return img;

    The only part still missing is the code that will apply the views to the C1OlapPage when the user selects them by clicking the menu item. This is accomplished with the following code:

    Visual Basic
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    ' apply a predefined view
    Private Sub mi_Click(sender As Object, e As SourcedEventArgs)
        Dim mi = TryCast(sender, C1MenuItem)
        Dim viewDef = TryCast(mi.Tag, String)
        _c1OlapPage.ViewDefinition = viewDef
    End Sub
    Copy Code
    // apply a predefined view
    void mi_Click(object sender, SourcedEventArgs e)
        var mi = sender as C1MenuItem;
        var viewDef = mi.Tag as string;
        _c1OlapPage.ViewDefinition = viewDef;

    The code retrieves the OLAP definition as an XML string by reading the menu’s Tag property, then assigns it to the C1OlapPage.ViewDefinition property.

    If you need further customization, you can also choose not to use the C1OlapPage at all, and build your interface using the lower-level C1OlapPanelC1OlapGrid, and C1OlapChart controls. The source code for the C1OlapPage control is included with the package and can be used as a starting point. The example in the “Building a custom User Interface” section shows how this is done.