WPF Edition Release History | ComponentOne
WPF Edition Release History / 2014 v1
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    2014 v1
    In This Topic

    Accordion for WPF and Silverlight

    New Features

    • Animations have been added to C1Accordion.

    ColorPicker for WPF and Silverlight

    Breaking Changes

    • [C1SpectrumColorPicker] C1SpectrumColorPicker template parts changed.

    Bug Fixes

    • [C1SpectrumColorPicker] keyboard navigation is now working.
    • [C1SpectrumColorPicker] Dragging the pointer is now working properly.
    • [C1HexColorBox] cursor is set at the wrong position when ShowSharpPrefix is set to true.

    ComboBox for WPF and Silverlight

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue that when set 'AutoComplete=False', the C1ComboBox's drop-down was not closed while clicking on C1ComboBox's textbox a second time.
    • Fixed the issue that disabled items can be selected via keyboard in a databound C1ComboBox.
    • Fixed the issue that a 'NullReferenceException' exception occurred when running the BasicControls sample.
    • Fixed the issue that the full class name of the underlying data source is displayed when an item with empty text is selected.
    • Fixed the issue that the dropdown was overlapped on the About Box dialog box when setting 'IsDropDownOpen=True' in design time.
    • Fixed the issue that binding is not working correctly when the 'SelectedValuePath' is bound to the 'Tag' property of C1ComboBoxItem.
    • Fixed the issue that cursor does not remain in C1ComboBox after selecting the item.
    • Fixed the issue that keyboard navigation does not work correctly if any item if the underlying datasource contains an empty space.
    • Fixed the issue that C1ComboBox is not working correctly if used inside the CellEditingTemplate of C1FlexGrid.
    • Fixed the issue that text is not consistently displayed after the dropdown is opened and closed if ItemStringFormat is set after selecting menu items by arrow keys.
    • Fixed the issue that the ItemStringFormat property is not ignored even though ItemTemplate is set. The menu now gets closed automatically when 'AutoClose=True'.
    • Dropdown list position is wrong when opening C1ComBoxBox if Handedness of the tablet PC settings is set to Right-Handed.
    • Fixed the issue that after typing the first character in C1ComboBox and selecting the list item, the 'SelectedIndexChanged' event is fired twice.
    • Fixed the issue that a FormatException is thrown on selecting the item from C1ComboBox with the ItemStringFormat property set.

    DataGrid for WPF and Silverlight

    New Features

    • The DataGridAggregate.ResultFormat property was added to allow specifying the result as a formatted string which can be exported to excel.

    Breaking Changes

    • [DataGrid.Excel] If the KeepRowHeights export option is set to true, then an exported row height is retrieved from each specific grid row (DataGridRow.ActualHeight property), instead of from the DataGrid.RowHeight property.
    • [DataGrid.Excel] If DataGridAggregate's formatting is defined via the ResultFormat property instead of via the ResultTemplate, then formatted values will be exported exactly as they are shown in C1DataGrid.


    • Added automation peers for C1DataGrid.
    • DataGridSummaryRow provides the aggregate results as text to be used in clipboard operations.

    Bug Fixes

    • Clipping issue fixed when resizing the browser and star columns were present.
    • Focus is now shown in the cell when AddNewRow is clicked.
    • Tab navigation is now considering merged cells.
    • Enter, Backspace, and Escape key strokes were being handled incorrectly when performed in the row details. Fixed.
    • When CTRL+v or CTRL+C is pressed and the clipboard dialog box is displaying garbled characters when entered. Fixed.
    • An exception is no longer raised when tabbing in the filter row.
    • Override default Tab key behavior for filter row in order to follow columns order and display hidden cells.
    • The Paste feature was modified to paste the clipboard content in the current cell when it is not formatted.
    • Avoid entering in edit mode when the CTRL key is pressed.
    • Column dragging indicators were misplaced when setting FlowDirection="RightToLeft". Fixed.
    • An error committing a value in the DataGridTemplateColumn when the root of the template was a panel. Fixed.
    • Selecting all the cells and copying to the clipboard is now working.
    • The freezing separator is now working when FlowDirection="RightToLeft".
    • Copy and Paste to clipboard was modified to include a leading column per indent level so that group rows with summaries can be exported to excel.
    • An error in the layout when pressing Ctrl+V twice has been fixed.
    • Selection of columns is now working properly when the last row is added or removed.
    • The Clipboard feature is no longer copying data even when the mode is None.
    • A bug related to the groups when setting ItemsSource in a grid that was previously grouped with a different source has been fixed.
    • Resizing a column is now working correctly when FlowDirection="RightToLeft".
    • [DataGrid.Excel] The height of the rows was considering the details when exported to excel. Fixed.
    • [DataGrid.Excel] Explicitly defined summary row height is not honored in exported file.
    • [DataGrid.Excel] Aggregate values appear in exported group headers even if C1GroupingWithSummariesBehavior is not set for the exporting DataGrid. Fixed.
    • [DataGrid.Excel] Some symbols like '\', '{' and '}' in aggregate value strings are now shown in an exported file.
    • [DataGrid.Excel] Wrong alignment of aggregate values in group headers. Fixed.
    • Exported summary cells are no longer showing incorrect values when copying and pasting.
    • A summary cell was showing nothing by default; the ResultFormat property default value was changed to "{0}".
    • An unhandled exception is no longer thrown when the ampersand character (&) is included in the ResultFormat property of DataGridAggregate.
    • The aggregate result is now taking double-braces into account.

    DateTimeEditor for WPF and Silverlight


    • Added automation support for .Net 4.0 version. Requires C1.WPF.Automation assembly reference.

    Supported automation patterns: C1TimeEditor (Value, RangeValue) C1DatePicker (Value, ExpandCollapse) C1DateTimePicker (Value) Supported automation patterns: C1TimeEditor (Value, RangeValue) C1DatePicker (Value, ExpandCollapse) C1DateTimePicker (Value)

    DockControl for WPF and Silverlight

    Bug Fixes

    • [C1DockTabControl] Fixed the issue where an unhandled exception was thrown on dragging the splitter bar.
    • [C1DockControl] Fixed the issue where the DockTabControl's area was appearing when changing the DockMode property sliding to floating state.
    • [C1DockTabControl] Fixed the issue where two clicks were required to close C1DockTabItem after opening TabStripMenu at floating mode.
    • [C1DockControl] Fixed the issue that Multiple Dropdown lists could be opened at the same time in C1DockControl.
    • [C1DockTabControl] Can't drag the last tab item from one floating C1DockTabControl to another floating C1DockTabControl.

    DropDown for WPF and Silverlight

    Bug Fixes

    • [C1DropDownButton] Fixed the issue where 'HeaderFontSize','HeaderFontStyle' and 'HeaderFontWeight' properties did not work in C1DropDownButton.
    • Fixed the issue that when C1Expander's IsExpanded property is set to 'False', the dropdown of C1DropDown still appears.
    • [C1DropDownButton] Fixed the issue that the IsDropDownOpen property does not work.
    • [C1DropDownButton] Fixed the issue that although C1DropDownButton's Visibility is set to 'Hidden/Collapsed', the dropdown still appears.

    File Picker for WPF and Silverlight

    New Features

    • The C1FilePicker.InitialDirectory property was added.

    Bug Fixes

    • C1FilePicker multi-select was not working after calling the ClearSelection() method.
    • C1FilePicker was raising an exception when setting the FilterIndex property and appending ahead of newly typed text.
    • C1FilePicker was displaying the name of a selected file after calling ClearSelection and setting the Multiselect item while 'DropAction' is set to 'Copy'.

    FlexGrid for WPF and Silverlight

    Changes and Improvements

    • Take row visibility into account when rendering alternate rows.
    • Added support for DBNull values in filter (in addition to regular null values).

    Bug Fixes

    • Avoid entering in edit mode when double-clicking in a cell that already was in edit mode.
    • The editing value is now committed when using a combobox inside a template cell.
    • HitTest now works correctly with Visuals that were not FrameworkElement objects.
    • Selecting template cells when the original event was handled is now working properly.

    Gauges for WPF and Silverlight

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue that unable to bind Interval property of C1GaugeLabel to a property in a class.

    ListViewer for WPF and Silverlight

    Bug Fixes

    • HorizontalContentAlignment and VerticalContentAlignment properties were bound to analogous properties of the items, and the default values were set to Left and Center. Fixed.

    Maps for WPF and Silverlight

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue that TargetZoomSpeed did not work well.
    • Request to add an About box link in the context menu of C1MultiscaleImage.
    • Changed the attached property name "LatLong" to "LongLat" of C1MapCanvas class.

    NumericBox for WPF and Silverlight

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue that IsTabStop property does not work after navigating other tabitems if 'UnselectedContentMode=Collapsed'.
    • 'IsTabStop' property now works correctly.

    PdfViewer for WPF and Silverlight

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where the logo image was covered up by unknown multi color lines.
    • Fixed the issue where some formula symbols were replaced by a rectangle in C1PdfViewer.
    • Fixed the issue that 'NullReferenceException' is observed when loading certain pdf files.
    • Fixed the issue where some bracket was not shown in C1PdfViewer.
    • Fixed the issue that a NullReferenceException occurred when trying to go to the next page.
    • Fixed the issue that a red cross was shown instead of images in C1PdfViewer.
    • Fixed the issue that text rendered incorrectly in C1PDfViewer.
    • Fixed the issue that a formatException occurs when loading a scanned image .pdf file.
    • Fixed the issue that circle bullets are shown on smaller size in C1PdfViewer.
    • Fixed the issue that text in a logo image is displayed in reverse order.
    • Fixed the issue that images are displayed at an incorrect position in C1PdfViewer.
    • Fixed the issue that a logo image is overlapped by a black rectangle in C1PdfViewer.
    • Fixed the issue that bullets are replaced with rectangles.
    • Fixed the issue that C1PDFViewer can not properly view certain pdf files.
    • Fixed the issue where the background color is not rendered and text appears garbled when loading a specific .pdf file.
    • Fixed the issue where a gray background is shown instead of a gradient background.
    • Fixed the issue that certain pdf files do not load in C1PdfViewer.
    • Fixed the issue that all the spaces in front of the found text are selected when typing in the "Search" box after loading the Japanese pdf file.
    • Fixed the issue that text is displayed with incorrect background color when loading the pdf file in C1PdfViewer.
    • Fixed the issue where the PDF is not displaying properly.
    • Fixed the issue that an image is converted to gray scale when opened with C1PDFViewer.
    • Fixed the issue that bullets are replaced with unknown characters.
    • Fixed the issue that numbers render incorrectly.
    • Fixed the issue where the text font size was getting increased.
    • Fixed the issue where the targetInvocationException is raised on loading certain .pdf files.
    • Fixed the issue where typed text in the "Search" box is not selected in C1PdfViewer if a .pdf file containing Chinese characters is loaded.
    • Fixed the issue that numbers render out of the circle.
    • Fixed the issue where a Win32 exception occurs when trying to select text of a signed .pdf.
    • Fixed the issue where an image/graphic is shown with a black background.
    • Fixed the issue that a .pdf is not rendered properly in C1PDFViewer.
    • Fixed the issue that a keyNotFoundException is raised when loading the .pdf file.
    • Fixed the issue that a .pdf file is not rendered properly.
    • Fixed the issue that a red cross is displayed when loading certain files.
    • Fixed the issue where some text becomes formatted with a larger font size in C1PdfViewer.
    • Fixed the issue where text was not clearly shown in a scanned .pdf.
    • Fixed the issue where applied underline styles are missing in some titles.
    • Fixed the issue where German text was not shown in C1PdfViewer.
    • Fixed the issue where dotted lines are missing in C1PdfViewer.
    • Fixed the issue where text is not displayed in C1PdfViewer if it is added inside the box or rectangle.
    • Fixed the issue pdfParserException raised when viewing certain .pdf files (Support ASCIIHexDecode, RunLengthDecode).
    • Fixed the issue where you were unable to view a scanned .pdf file in C1PDFViewer.
    • Fixed the issue where Japanese text was not displayed in C1PdfViewer.
    • Fixed the issue where 'NullReferenceException' occurred when dragging an Annotation dialog box.
    • Fixed the issue of blurry text found when viewing certain .pdf files in C1PdfViewer.
    • Fixed the issue where an image is overlapped by the sign in C1PdfViewer.
    • Fixed the issue where the wrong text is rendered when loading certain files.
    • Fixed the issue where some words and numbers crash.
    • Fixed the issue where some text is not shown in a specific rectangle area.
    • Fixed the issue where some numbers have a large font.
    • Fixed the issue that a larger font size is shown and some text is cut off.
    • Fixed the issue that C1PdfViewer cannot select and find the text on custom creating a .pdf file.
    • Fixed the issue that C1PdfViewer cannot render the wrong text when loading certain files.
    • Fixed the issue that when setting the theme to 'ShinyBlue', text in the 'Find' textbox is cut off.
    • Fixed the issue that C1PdfViewer does not print images when printing through a physical printer.
    • Fixed the issue that it takes longer time to see the .pdf content.
    • Fixed the issue that garbled text was rendered when loading Japanese file.
    • Fixed the issue that text overlapped when loading certain text.
    • Fixed the issue that lines of text are missing in a loaded .pdf file.
    • Fixed the issue that incomplete dynamic bit lengths tree xxx occurs when loading the .pdf file containing the input controls.
    • Fixed the issue that an Inflating error is raised when loading a certain .pdf file.
    • Fixed the issue that C1.C1Zip.ZLib.ZStreamException occurs when a pdf file with a graphic is opened.
    • Fixed the issue where a Win32 exception was raised on loading an AcroForm pdf file if RenderMode=System.
    • Fixed the issue that the pages are overlapped and are bigger than the container.
    • Fixed the issue that incorrect links are displayed in the RequestNavigate event.
    • Fixed the issue that in C1PdfViewer, the wrong character is displayed.
    • Fixed the issue that in C1PdfViewer, extra spaces are displayed.
    • Fixed the performance issue with pdfviewer when RenderMode= System.
    • Fixed the issue that circle bullet icons are replaced with rectangles.

    ProgressBar for WPF and Silverlight

    • C1ProgressBar was added.

    ReportViewer for WPF and Silverlight

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where a NullReferenece exception occurs on loading an HTML file.
    • Fixed the issue that when the Theme 'ShinyBlue' was set, the text in the 'Find' textbox is cut off.
    • Fixed the issue with wrong page text rendering when changing the viewer mode.
    • Fixed the issue where some found occurrences were not highlighted when searching with the 'Find' textbox.

    RichTextbox for WPF and Silverlight

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where the underline is not removed after removing an existing hyperlink.
    • Fixed the issue where no word is pasted when pressing Ctrl+v after pressing Ctrl+x twice or more.
    • Fixed the issue where the strikethrough line did not work after converting to an .rtf file with strikethrough style text.
    • Fixed the issue where the image present in a loaded RTF file cannot be deleted.
    • Fixed the issue where C1RTB causes an application to throw a stackoverflow exception.
    • Fixed the issue where a duplicate signal was shown in C1RichTextToolbar.
    • Fixed the issue where an ArgumentOutOfRange Exception occurred when loading an .html file into C1RichTextBox.
    • Fixed the issue where an "Index and length must refer to a location within the string" exception was thrown when copying and pasting some specific text.
    • Fixed the issue where an XamlParse Exception occurred when setting the string containing tag to C1RichTextBox.Html.
    • Fixed the issue where an "XamlParseException" is raised on creating the ControlTemplate for RichTextBoxToolbar through MicrSoft Blend.
    • Fixed the issue where UpdateSourceTrigger was set to "PropertyChanged" value does not work correctly.
    • Fixed the issue where an extra Japanese character appeared among text when a Japanese text .rtf file was imported to C1RichTextBox.
    • Fixed the issue that the "Delete cells" option does not deletes the first cell in that row.
    • Fixed the issue that Chinese characters appeared garbled when loaded from an RTF file.
    • Fixed the issue that when pasting the text from a MicroSoft Word document to C1RichTextBox with Shift+Insert Key, new duplicate text appeared.
    • Fixed the issue that a garbled character appeared when deleting the first character of 4byte Japanese text.
    • Fixed the issue that "Top" padding is removed when setting "Bottom" padding and vice versa for table cells in C1RichTextBox.
    • Fixed the issue that an exception is thrown when setting the "SelectionLength" property at design-time and "SelectionStart" properties are reset to "0" on the property grid.

    Schedule for WPF and Silverlight

    Changes and Improvements

    • Added automation support for .Net 4.0 version. Requires C1.WPF.Automation assembly reference.

    Supported automation patterns: C1Calendar (Selection) C1CalendarItem C1CalendarItemPresenter DaySlotPresenter (SelectionItem) Supported automation patterns: C1Calendar (Selection) C1CalendarItem DaySlotPresenter (SelectionItem)

    • Added support for cases when the working time should last from one day to another.
    • The C1Scheduler.BeforeViewChange event is fired before the view is changed with the C1Scheduler.ChangeStyle command. Fixed.

    New Features

    • Added new OnChangeStyleCommand method to the C1Scheduler control.
    • Added new C1SchedulerSettings.UseMouseWheelForGroupNavigation property.

    SpellChecker for WPF and Silverlight

    Bug Fixes

    • In the 'BadWordFound' event, 'e.Cancel=true' no longer throws an exception.

    TabControl for WPF and Silverlight

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue that a user was unable to move Tabs with a single click on a navigation button with hidden TabItems.
    • Fixed a SelectedIndex issue in C1TabControl automation.
    • Fixed the issue that IE does not respond when clicking the 'Next' button at C1TabControl in which TabItem is hidden.
    • When selecting the last tabitem and the 'TabStripPlacement' property changed 'Left/Right' , all tabitems are shown now.
    • Fixed the issue that an exception occurs if C1TabItems are added after closing tabitems while UpdateSourceCollection=False.
    • Fixed an issue where TabStrip becomes empty when selecting Last Tab from the selection menu when Tab is Active and not in View.
    • Fixed the issue where the next button was still shown when all C1TabItems were collapsed.
    • Merged the Automation of C1TabControl and C1TabItem to the main folder.

    TileView for WPF and Silverlight


    • Added support for the Invoke automation pattern in .Net 4.0 version. Requires a C1.WPF.Automation assembly reference.

    TreeView for WPF and Silverlight

    New Features

    • The Add SelectionChanging event was added for C1TreeView.


    • Virtualization for C1TreeView was implemented.

    Bug Fixes

    • The horizontal scrollbar now works when AutoScrollMode is set to "Both" and C1TreeViewItem content does not fit in the current ViewPort. Fixed.
    • An ArgumentNullException no longer occurs when leaving the edit mode in EditTemplate of C1TreeView.
    • C1TreeViewItems can now be expanded by setting the IsExpanded property in code.
    • SelectedBackground is now fully displayed in C1TreeView.
    • [SL4][SL5][WPF] C1TreeViewItems are now visible when changing the built-in theme.

    Other New Features

    New Features

    • C1SlideContentControl control has been added.

    Other Breaking Changes and Improvements

    Breaking Changes

    • [SL] Type of the property ExpandDirection of the controls C1Expander and C1Accordion was changed from C1.Silverlight.Extended.ExpandDirection to C1.Silverlight.C1ExpandDirection.


    • Added automation peers for the following controls (supported patterns in the brackets): C1TimeEditor (Value, RangeValue) C1DatePicker (Value, ExpandCollapse) C1DateTimePicker (Value) C1TileBase (Invoke) C1Calendar (Selection) C1CalendarItem DaySlotPresenter (SelectionItem)

    Other Bug Fixes

    Bug Fixes

    • The ScrollBar style was modified to fix a visual error when IsEnabled=False.
    • Properties propagation was overwriting the properties set through a style which is based on another style.
    • Content of the ScrollViewer is clipped incorrectly when the Padding property is set. Fixed.
    • The C1HyperlinkButton disabled state is now dimmed at design-time.
    • The ScrollViewer template has been changed to render corners more accurately.
    • The 'IsEnabled=False' property set in the Style tag is now applied on WPF controls.
    • Fixed the issue that even on setting CurrentUICulture to English, Japanese is displayed.