WPF Edition Release History | ComponentOne
WPF Edition Release History / 2016 v3
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    2016 v3
    In This Topic

    Chart for WPF

    Bug Fix

    • Fixed the issue where application freezes on maximizing the main window containing C1Chart with custom axis labels.

    DataGrid for WPF

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where RowHeight and DateFormat are not maintained while printing an inverted data grid.
    • Fixed the issue where the foreground color of data grid does not get save in excel file.

    DateTime for WPF


    • Added the handling of F4 key to open drop-down.

    FlexChart for WPF

    Breaking Change

    • Change the namespace of IChartLayer from C1.WPF.Chart.Interaction to C1.WPF.Chart.


    • First release of FlexRadar control.
    • Added waterfall series in FlexChart.
    • Added annotations in FlexChart.
    • FlexChart can be exported as an SVG image.

    Bug Fix

    • Fixed the issue where an argument exception is thrown when FlexRadar is dragged from the toolbox to designer.
    • Fixed the issue where the default name of Sunburst chart is titled "flexPie".
    • Fixed the issue where ItemSource is not reflected back on chart at runtime.
    • [Sunburst Chart] Fixed the issue where the default name appears "flexPie".
    • [Sunburst Chart] Fixed the issue where ItemSource is not reflected back at runtime on the chart. 

    FlexGrid for WPF

    Bug Fix

    • Fixed the issue where row selection retains after changing the SelectionMode from ListBox to RowRange.

    FlexReport for WPF

    • First release (in Beta). FlexReport for WPF includes all the features of FlexReport for WinForms, except for ChartField and Map and SuperLabel custom fields.

    FlexSheet for WPF

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where focus jumps to the first sheet on hiding a specific sheet instead of its previous index sheet.
    • Fixed the issue where new inserted column shows cell value on inserting new column when the last column is selected.

    FlexViewer for WPF

    • First release of FlexViewerPane control.

    GanttView for WPF


    • Added Today button in calendar's footer area for every date picker in gantt view.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where operators, field names and value of the applied filter is lost after loading the XML file in gantt view.
    • Fixed the issue where "Task Information" dialog does not open and shows a Blink when clicking the "Task Information" button from the toolbar.
    • Fixed the issue where "Task Information" dialog, toolbar button, and context menu interaction is inconsistent after adding new blank row to gantt view.
    • Fixed the issue where validation dialog is not shown, while an upper tier has less time per tick than the tiers below it.
    • Fixed the issue where milestone tasks are not created in chart view when start and finish date is the same.
    • Fixed the issue where maximize and minimize buttons are unnecessarily present in all the dialogs of gantt view.
    • Fixed the issue where some items dialog are not localized.
    • Fixed the issue where text displayed in the editing button of "More Filter" dialog is changed to "Edit" in place of "Editor",   for editing "Editor".
    • Fixed the issue where "Delete Task" button in the toolbar is active though there is no task in gantt view.
    • Fixed the issue where localization in gantt view is not updated immediately.
    • Fixed the issue where "Print" dialog, tooltips, and context menu items are not localized.
    • Fixed the issue where column names, text in tiers, context menu, drop down items are not localized to Japanese or Chinese on setting CurrentCulture and CurrentUICulture.
    • Fixed the issue where adding tasks in gantt view at runtime throws an exception.
    • Fixed the issue where horizontal scrollbar automatically move to the left end on clicking the task.
    • Fixed the issue where the reset function breaks in the "Sort" dialog.
    • Fixed the issue where the check boxes of "Grid Column" dialog can not be selected through spacebar interaction.
    • Fixed the issue where System.NullReferenceException is thrown on opening Zoom dialog when all the three tiers are hidden.
    • Fixed the issue where System.ArgumentException is thrown in WindowsBase.dll on applying 1 Day(s) custom zoom.
    • Fixed the issue where System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurred in mscorlib on hiding and showing tiers in time scale.
    • Fixed the issue where MarqueeColor is not affected/shown to task bar while dragging it in chart view.
    • Fixed the issue where an application is frozen and InvalidOperationException is thrown while dragging task bar several times in chart view.
    • Fixed the issue where Multiple/All tasks can not be selected by using Shift + Click action or clicking the "SelectAll" area of grid view.
    • Fixed the issue where "Cannot locate resource" error occurs in designer and the application crashes after switching the dll versions of GanttView control.
    • Fixed the issue where System.InvalidOperationException is thrown in mscorlib.dll on clicking a newly created DurationOnly task bar in gantt view.
    • Fixed the issue where System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown in mscorlib.dll on enlarging the ColumnHeader row of grid view in an empty gantt view.
    • Fixed the issue where the applied PercentComplete value is ignored in Advanced Filter and returns less task count in Filter result than actual value.
    • Fixed the issue where the applied "Progress Point Color" changed automatically to the same with "Line Color" on reopening the "Progress Line" dialog.
    • Fixed the issue where an exception is thrown on adding a task at index 0 by using the Insert() method of Task class.
    • Fixed the issue where custom calendar is not listed or can not be set in tasks through Calendar column.
    • Fixed the issue where filtering does not work on filtering the task by "Percent Complete" field.
    • Fixed the issue where System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown on calling ScrollToTask method in the Loaded event of GanttView.
    • Fixed the issue where matched tasks are not shown correct when applying "Percent Complete" filter by using "Equal" and "DoesNotEqual" testOperator after dragging the "Percent Complete" value in tasks.
    • Fixed the issue where the text entered in the grid cell are lost in edit mode after clicking on the "Grid Columns" button in toolbar to check the visible column.
    • Fixed the issue where unnecessary tag is added to TaskProperty column on dragging GanttView control to page on the designer.
    • Fixed the issue where the bottom tier in timescale is distorted and shows "F" or "T" for every day after setting the "Zoom Entire Project".
    • Fixed the issue where the default bottom and middle tier formats are not reflected on the chart view after setting the "Zoom Entire Project" or "Zoom Selected Task".
    • Fixed the issue where System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown in mscorlib.dll on right-clicking the timescale area of empty gantt view.
    • Fixed the issue where System.NullReferenceException is thrown in PresentationFramework.dll on printing custom columns in the gantt view.
    • Fixed the issue where System.NullReferenceException is thrown in PresentationFramework.dll on printing a gantt view with specific dates option.
    • Fixed the issue where "Cost:" is displayed as "Cast:" label in the Resources tab of Task Information dialog.
    • Fixed the issue where System.NullReferenceException and System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException are thrown while setting the
      ChartViewZoomFactor to 0.
    • Fixed the issue where a summary task can be added to gantt view while grouping is applied. This is not a usual behavior to be observed in gantt view.
    • Fixed the issue where an application crashes while applying FieldStyle to Inactive Summary Task.
    • Fixed the issue where the StartDate and EndDate of a task are not updated according to its PredecessorType.
    • Fixed the issue where the System.InvalidOperationException is thrown while dragging PercentComplete Indicator of DurationOnly task.
    • Fixed the issue where the existing tasks and newly added tasks do not honor the default BarStyle (bar shape and bar text).
    • Fixed the issue where the BarText is not maintained on opening the dialog again after setting the BarText for a task bar.
    • Fixed the issue where the BarText can not be reset after setting it.
    • Fixed the issue where the legend area gets printed in every page of the output file on printing the gantt view.
    • Fixed the issue where System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown in PresentationFramework.dll on printing gantt view.
    • Fixed the issue where System.OverflowException and System.ArgumentException are thrown in PresentationFramework.dll while printing specific dates in gantt view.
    • Fixed the issue where System.ArgumentException is thrown in PresentationCore on calling C1.WPF.GanttView.PrintManager.Print() method by setting print date range out of project date range.
    • Fixed the issue where the chart view remains blank on loading an output xml file to the same GanttView again.
    • Fixed the issue where StartOnly, FinishOnly, Deadline tasks are not drawn correctly in the chart view. 
    • Fixed the issue where text entered in the grid cell are lost while cell is in edit mode after right-click to check open context menu to open the Grid Column dialog.
    • Fixed the issue where the task bars for Auto/Manual tasks with 2 days duration and StartDate = Today are rendered incorrectly.
    • Fixed the issue where System.NullReferenceException is thrown in C1.WPF.FlexGrid.4.dll while setting the TaskMode property to Automatic, and clicking the ConstraintType dropdown.
    • Fixed the issue where System.NullReferenceException is thrown in C1.WPF.FlexGrid.4.dll on selecting Automatic from the drop-down list of Task Mode column at first time, and then clicking Task Mode's dropdown for next row within edit mode.
    • Fixed the issue where the Undo/Redo functions are not recognized for changes in grid view.
    • Fixed the issue where the combo box and drop down list of the field column can't be seen and keyboard navigation is not supported in the Advance Filter dialog.
    • Fixed the issue where task names are lost in grid view on applying grouping in gantt view.
    • Fixed the issue where the PrintSyle name is missing in General tab of the Print dialog.
    • Fixed the issue where the connecting line between predecessor and successor task appears distorted on applying "Default Days off = all days".
    • Fixed the issue where task bars are lost and only group bars are shown in chart view on applying grouping.

    PDF for WPF


    • Added alternative fonts to support Chinese, Korean and Japanese characters.

    Bug Fix

    • Fixed the issue where check boxes interaction is not available and radio buttons disappear in output PDF file.
    • Fixed the issue where unknown character appear when Japanese characters are exported to PDF file.
    • Fixed the PDF Acroform sample page which displays "UWP Component" instead of "WPF Component".

    RichTextBox Toolbar for WPF


    • Added AutoCapitalizationMode property to handle auto capitalization. The property accepts two values, None and Sentence. Selecting None specifies that auto capitalization in text is not applied. Selecting Sentence specifies sentence-style auto capitalization where the first letter of each sentence is capitalized.                                                     

    Other Changes


    • [Document] Changing the properties of the parameter of the C1SSRSDocumentSource forcibly sets the C1SSRSDocumentSource.Dirty to true.
    • [ImportServices] First release.