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CSJ2K.j2k.codestream.writer Namespace / CodestreamWriter Class
Properties Methods

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    CodestreamWriter Class Members
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    The following tables list the members exposed by CodestreamWriter.

    Public Properties
    Public PropertyReturns the current length of the entire codestream.  
    Public PropertyReturns the number of bytes remaining available in the codestream. This is the maximum allowed number of bytes minus the number of bytes that have already been written to the bit stream. If more bytes have been written to the bit stream than the maximum number of allowed bytes, then a negative value is returned.  
    Public PropertyGives the offset of the end of last packet containing ROI information  
    Public Methods
    Public MethodCloses the underlying resource (file, stream, network connection, etc.). After a CodestreamWriter is closed no more data can be written to it.  
    Public MethodWrites the header data to the bit stream, if it has not been already done. In some implementations this method can be called only once, and an IllegalArgumentException is thrown if called more than once.  
    Public MethodWrites a packet body to the codestream and returns the number of bytes used by this body. If in simulation mode then no data is written to the bit stream but the number of bytes is calculated. This can be used for iterative rate allocation.

    If the number of bytes that has to be written to the codestream is more than the space left (as returned by getMaxAvailableBytes()), only the data that does not exceed the allowed length is effectively written and the rest is discarded. However the value returned by the method is the total length of the packet, as if all of it was written to the bit stream.

    Public Method  
    See Also