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CSJ2K.j2k.wavelet.analysis Namespace / SubbandAn Class / SubbandAn Constructor

In This Topic
    SubbandAn Constructor
    In This Topic
    Overload List
    Creates a SubbandAn element with all the default values. The dimensions are (0,0) and the upper left corner is (0,0).  
    Creates the top-level node and the entire subband tree, with the top-level dimensions, the number of decompositions, and the decomposition tree as specified.

    This constructor just calls the same constructor of the super class, and then calculates the L2-norm (or energy weight) of each leaf.

    This constructor does not initialize the value of the magBits or stepWMSE member variables. This variables are normally initialized by the quantizer (see Quantizer).

    See Also