Scheduler for WPF and Silverlight | ComponentOne
Scheduler Components and Controls / Scheduler for Silverlight Appearance / Using Data Views / C1Scheduler Default Styles and Templates
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    C1Scheduler Default Styles and Templates
    In This Topic

    Default styles are defined using styles and templates for smaller C1Scheduler parts. The following table depicts the details of default C1Scheduler styles and templates along with their keys:

    Keys used by all default themes


    Resource key Description
    PART_C1SchedulerScrollBar Determines the style of the scroll bar.
    PART_C1Scheduler_WorkHour_Style Determines the style of the one work hour group in a day view.
    PART_C1Scheduler_FreeHour_Style Determines the style of the one free hour group in a day view.
    PART_C1Scheduler_WorkSlot_Template Determines the template of a single free time slot in a day view.
    PART_C1Scheduler_FreeSlot_Template Determines the template of a single free time slot in a day view.
    C1Scheduler_AllDayArea_Template Determines the template used for displaying the All-Day area in a Day view.
    C1Scheduler_TimeRuler_Template Determines the template used for one hour of a time ruler in a Day view.
    C1Scheduler_MonthHeader_Style Determines the style of the month grid header (week day names).
    C1Scheduler_OneMonthDay_Template Determines the template used for displaying one day in a Month View (includes day header and day content).
    C1Scheduler_OverflowJumper_Template Determines the template used for displaying overflow jumper in a Month View and Office 2003 Week View when not all appointment elements fit into available day space.
    PART_GroupNavigationScrollBar If PART_GroupNavigationScrollBar is present in the control template, C1Scheduler will use it for the group navigation. This part is included into the default TimeLine style.



    Resource Key Description
    C1Scheduler_PreviousButton_Style Determines a style of Previous button used in previous/next navigation panel.
    C1Scheduler_NextButton_Style Determines a style of Next button used in previous/next navigation panel.
    C1Scheduler_PrevNextAppPane_Style Defines a style for previous/next appointment navigation pane (containing next/previous labels) represented by ContentControl.
    IntervalAppointmentPresenterStyle Determines a style used to display single appointment represented by IntervalAppointmentPresenter control.
    IntervalAppointmentTemplate Determines a template, used to display single appointment.
    BaseViewStyle Determines a base style for all C1Scheduler views.
    C1Scheduler_TimeRuler_Template Determines the template used for one hour of a time ruler in a Day view.
    TimeSlotGroupStyleSelector Selects the style for displaying working or free hours.
    DayGroupStyleSelector Selects the style for displaying ordinal or today days.
    DayHeaderStyleSelector Selects the style used for displaying day header in a Day view.
    TimeSlotStyleSelector Determines the style used for displaying individual time slots in a Day view.
    C1Scheduler_AllDayArea_Template Determines the template used for displaying All-Day area in a Day view.
    AllDayAreaStyleSelector Determines the style used for displaying All-Day area in a Day view.
    C1Scheduler_MonthHeader_Style Determines the style of the month grid header (week day names).
    C1Scheduler_OverflowJumper_Style Determines the style used for displaying overflow jumper in a Month View when not all appointment elements fit into available day space.
    DayHeaderButtonStyle Determines style used for displaying day header button for ordinal day in a Month view.
    TodayHeaderButtonStyle Determines style used for displaying today header button in a Month view.
    MonthDayStyleSelector Determines the style used for displaying single day in a Month view.
    C1Scheduler_WeekTab_Style Determines the style of the week tab in a Month view.
    PART_GroupNavigationScrollBar If PART_GroupNavigationScrollBar is present in the control template, C1Scheduler will use it for the group navigation. This part is included into the default TimeLine style.


    Office 2007 specific keys

    Resource key Description
    C1Scheduler_PrevNextAppPane_Style Defines a style for previous/next appointment navigation pane (containing next/previous labels) represented by ContentControl.
    C1Scheduler_PrevNextAppPane_Style Determines the style of the day group in a day view.
    C1Scheduler_PrevNextAppPane_Style Determines the style of the day group in a day view.
    C1Scheduler_PrevNextAppPane_Style Determines the style of the week tab in a Month view.

    Note that using these resource keys is not obligatory. You can use any keys and assign your custom styles to the corresponding C1Scheduler properties. For example:

    Copy Code
    <my:C1Scheduler MonthStyle="{DynamicResource customOneDayStyle}}"
    WeekStyle="{DynamicResource customWeekStyle}}"/>

    C1Scheduler’s default interface includes some default DataTemplate objects. Custom user interfaces for this template can be provided as a DataTemplate object, which should be assigned to an appropriate C1Scheduler property. The default DataTemplates is accessible through ComponentResourceKeys. The following table lists the C1Scheduler property that defines its DataTemplate and the default DataTemplate ComponentResourceKey.

    C1Scheduler Property

    Default DataTemplate



    x:Key="{ComponentResourceKey TypeInTargetAssembly={x:Type local:C1Scheduler}, ResourceID=IntervalAppointmentTemplate}"

    Appointment element template.