Scheduler for WPF and Silverlight | ComponentOne
WPF Quick Start / Step 2 of 4: Binding C1Scheduler to a Data Source
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    Step 2 of 4: Binding C1Scheduler to a Data Source
    In This Topic

    Now you can add a C1Scheduler control to the Blend project and bind to the data source.

    To add the new dataset as a resource to your Blend project:

    1. Open Microsoft Expression Blend 4 and select File|Open Project from the menu to open the project (.sln) that you created in Visual Studio 2010.
    2. Double-click the Page1.xaml in the Project panel to open the page and click the Design tab to access the Design view, if necessary.
    3. Add a C1Scheduler control to the page. Since you have already added a reference to the C1.WPF.C1Schedule assembly when you created the project in Visual Studio 2010, all you need to do is add C1Scheduler from the Asset Library:
      1. Click the Asset Library button in the Blend toolbox.
      2. In the Asset Library, click the Categories tab.
      3. Select C1Scheduler. The component will appear in the toolbox above the Asset Library button.
      4. Double-click the C1Scheduler button in the toolbox to add it to the page.
    4. Click the XAML tab to switch to XAML view.
    5. Create a CLR namespace by adding the following XAML code to the namespace list within the Page tag. Use your Visual Studio 2010 project's name for the clr-namespace value.

      Your XAML should look similar to the following:

      Copy Code
          xmlns:c1sched="" x:Class=”WpfScheduleQuickStart.Page1xmlns:local="clr-namespace:MYProjectName">


    6. Right-click Page1.xaml in the Project panel and select Startup. This will set Page1 as the opening window.
    7. Select Project | Build Project to build your project.
    8. While you are still in XAML view, add the ScheduleDataSet as a resource by entering the following XAML immediately after the XAML above:
      Copy Code
          <local:ScheduleDataSet x:Key="dataSet" />

    To map to the Scheduler for WPF Data Storage:

    1. In your Blend project, click the Design tab to switch back to Design view of Page1.xaml.
    2. Select the C1Scheduler control on Page1.xaml of your project.
    3. In the Properties panel, under Data, click the DataStorage ellipsis button. The Data Source settings dialog box appears.

    4. Click the Advanced Property Options button next to the DataSource property, select Local Resource and check dataSet. This property is set to the ScheduleDataSet.
    5. Enter Appointments next to the DataMember property. C1Scheduler will map to the Appointments table and use its data to fill in the schedule.

    6. Next, set the mappings for the properties to the corresponding data fields in the Appointments table. Enter the following text for each of the Property Mappings items:





















    7. Click OK to close the Data Source settings dialog box. The database is now mapped to the Appointment Storage. The XAML code for the mappings looks similar to the following:
      Copy Code
      <c1:C1Scheduler HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="400" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="480">
                  <c1sched:NestedPropertySetter PropertyName="DataStorage.AppointmentStorage.DataMember" Value="Appointments"/>
                  <c1:NestedPropertySetter PropertyName="DataStorage.AppointmentStorage.DataSource" Value="{DynamicResource dataSet}"/>
                  <c1:NestedPropertySetter PropertyName="DataStorage.AppointmentStorage.Mappings.Body.MappingName" Value="Body"/>
                  <c1:NestedPropertySetter PropertyName="DataStorage.AppointmentStorage.Mappings.End.MappingName" Value="End"/>
                  <c1:NestedPropertySetter PropertyName="DataStorage.AppointmentStorage.Mappings.Location.MappingName" Value="Location"/>
                  <c1:NestedPropertySetter PropertyName="DataStorage.AppointmentStorage.Mappings.Start.MappingName" Value="Start"/>
                  <c1:NestedPropertySetter PropertyName="DataStorage.AppointmentStorage.Mappings.Subject.MappingName" Value="Subject"/>
                  <c1:NestedPropertySetter PropertyName="DataStorage.AppointmentStorage.Mappings.AppointmentProperties.MappingName" Value="Properties"/>
                  <c1:NestedPropertySetter PropertyName="DataStorage.AppointmentStorage.Mappings.IdMapping.MappingName" Value="Id"/>

    You have successfully bound C1Scheduler to a data source. Now you can customize the schedule.