ComponentOne TileView for WPF and Silverlight
TileView for WPF and Silverlight Layout and Appearance / TileView for WPF and Silverlight Appearance Properties / Color Properties
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    Color Properties
    In This Topic

    The following properties let you customize the colors to use in the control itself:

    Note: Dependency properties are external links.


    Property (WPF) Property (Silverlight) Description
    Background (external dependency) Gets or sets a brush that describes the background of a control. This is a dependency property.
    ButtonBackground ButtonBackground Gets or sets the Brush assigned to the Background of the buttons inside the control.
    ButtonForeground ButtonForeground Gets or sets the Brush assigned to the Foreground of the buttons inside the control.
    FocusBrush FocusBrush Gets or sets the Brush to use to highlight the control when it has focus.
    Foreground (external dependency) Gets or sets the Brush to use for the foreground color. This is a dependency property. 
    HeaderForeground HeaderForeground Gets or sets the Brush to use as the foreground of the header of C1TileViewItem objects inside the control.
    ItemBackground ItemBackground Gets or sets the Brush to use as the background of the C1TileViewItem objects inside the control.
    ItemForeground ItemForeground Gets or sets the Brush to use as the foreground of the C1TileViewItem objects inside the control.
    MouseOverBrush MouseOverBrush Gets or sets the Brush to use to highlight the control when the pointer is over it.
    PressedBrush PressedBrush Gets or sets the Brush to use to paint a button when it is pressed.
    See Also