ComponentOne Word for WPF
Working with Word for WPF / Basic Level Working / Drawing Graphics
In This Topic
    Drawing Graphics
    In This Topic

    Adding graphics enhances the appearance of a document and make them visually appealing. You can add various types of shapes in your documents such as, Arc, Beizer, Ellipse, Line, Pie, polygon, PolygonLine, and Rectangle. Use the following code to add graphics such as pie, rectangles, polyline, and beziers along with the text:

    Dim rtf = New C1WordDocument()
    ' set up to draw
    Dim rc As New Rect(100, 100, 300, 200)
    Dim text As String = "Hello world of .NET Graphics and Word/RTF." & vbCr & vbLf & "Nice to meet you."
    Dim font As New Font("Times New Roman", 12, RtfFontStyle.Italic Or RtfFontStyle.Underline)
    ' draw to pdf document
    Dim penWidth As Integer = 0
    Dim penRGB As Byte = 0
    rtf.FillPie(Colors.Red, rc, 0, 20F)
    rtf.FillPie(Colors.Green, rc, 20F, 30F)
    rtf.FillPie(Colors.Blue, rc, 60F, 12F)
    rtf.FillPie(Colors.Orange, rc, -80F, -20F)
    For startAngle As Single = 0 To 359 Step 40
            Dim penColor As Color = Color.FromArgb(&Hff, penRGB, penRGB, penRGB)
            Dim pen As New Pen(penColor, System.Math.Max(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(penWidth),penWidth - 1))
            penRGB = CByte(penRGB + 20)
            rtf.DrawArc(pen, rc, startAngle, 40F)
    rtf.DrawRectangle(Colors.Red, rc)
    rtf.DrawString(text, font, Colors.Black, rc)
    ' show a Bezier curve
    Dim pts = New Point() {New Point(400, 200), New Point(420, 130), New Point(500, 240), New Point(530, 120)}
    ' draw Bezier 
    rtf.DrawBeziers(New Pen(Colors.Blue, 4), pts)
    ' show Bezier control points
    rtf.DrawPolyline(Colors.Gray, pts)
    For Each pt As Point In pts
            rtf.FillRectangle(Colors.Red, pt.X - 2, pt.Y - 2, 4, 4)
    ' title
    rtf.DrawString("Simple Bezier", font, Colors.Black, New Rect(500, 150, 100, 100))
    var rtf = new C1WordDocument();
    // set up to draw
    Rect rc = new Rect(100, 100, 300, 200);
    string text = "Hello world of .NET Graphics and Word/RTF.\r\nNice to meet you.";
    Font font = new Font("Times New Roman", 12, RtfFontStyle.Italic | RtfFontStyle.Underline);
    // draw to pdf document
    int penWidth = 0;
    byte penRGB = 0;
    rtf.FillPie(Colors.Red, rc, 0, 20f);
    rtf.FillPie(Colors.Green, rc, 20f, 30f);
    rtf.FillPie(Colors.Blue, rc, 60f, 12f);
    rtf.FillPie(Colors.Orange, rc, -80f, -20f);
    for (float startAngle = 0; startAngle < 360; startAngle += 40)
         Color penColor = Color.FromArgb(0xff, penRGB, penRGB, penRGB);
         Pen pen = new Pen(penColor, penWidth++);
         penRGB = (byte)(penRGB + 20);
         rtf.DrawArc(pen, rc, startAngle, 40f);
    rtf.DrawRectangle(Colors.Red, rc);
    rtf.DrawString(text, font, Colors.Black, rc);
    // show a Bezier curve
    var pts = new Point[]
          new Point(400, 200), new Point(420, 130),
          new Point(500, 240), new Point(530, 120),
    // draw Bezier 
    rtf.DrawBeziers(new Pen(Colors.Blue, 4), pts);
    // show Bezier control points
    rtf.DrawPolyline(Colors.Gray, pts);
    foreach (Point pt in pts)
        rtf.FillRectangle(Colors.Red, pt.X - 2, pt.Y - 2, 4, 4);
    // title
    rtf.DrawString("Simple Bezier", font, Colors.Black, new Rect(500, 150, 100, 100));

    In the above code, DrawRectangleDrawArcDrawPolyline, and DrawBeziers methods are used to draw graphics of different types such as, line, rectangle, pie, and bezier. Besides, DrawString method is used to draw and show text in the document.

    The output of the above code will look similar to the image given below: