Xamarin.iOS Documentation | ComponentOne
Release History / 2018 v3
In This Topic
    2018 v3
    In This Topic

    This section contains information about all the new features, enhancements, and breaking changes in Xamarin for iOS since 2018 v3 release.


    • Added MyBI sample project.

    Bug Fix

    • C1Border re-implemented to reduce layers blending.

    Bug Fix

    • Fixed a potential memory leak on iOS platform.


    • Added FlexChart and FlexPie data label auto arrange functions.
    • Added Step, StepArea, StepSymbols, and TreeMap chart types for FlexChart.
    • Added TreeMap sample for FlexChart101.

    Bug Fixes

    • Setting e.PlotElement.Color within SymbolRendered/SymbolRendering event now takes effect.
    • Fixed an issue where the LineMarker content became undraggable.
    • Fixed an issue where border lines of data label were displayed even though DataLabel Border was set to FALSE and StrokeThickeness was set to zero.
    • Fixed an issue where the update animation did not work on updating the chart by adding or removing chart values.
    • Fixed System.NullReferenceException that occurred if e.PlotElement property setting was done within SymbolRendered event.
    • Axis labels are now shown inside plot area when setting AxisX/Y LabelAngle.
    • The properties set from Properties window will now take effect on runtime.


    • Added Style (Default, Classic) property.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed layout of column header cells.
    • Fixed the issues where ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurred after all check boxes in one group were checked/unchecked quickly in multiple level grouped FlexGrid.
    • Fixed the issues of dragging columns and rows rendering.
    • Fixed an issue where layout did not display correctly on displaying grid inside auto-sized panel and using auto-sized columns.
    • Collapsed groups are no longer expanded after editing cell in one expanded group is completed.
    • Fixed an issue where FullTextFilterBehavior was not filtering the text set in the FilterEntry when attached.
    • Fixed a potential memory leak on iOS platform.

    Bug Fixes

    • Both CloseButton types 'Cancel' and 'CrossButton' are shown in Editable controls at FullScreenMode.
    • Close button did not show in Calendar dropdown when ShowCloseButton was set to True in iPad Simulator/Device.
    • Fixed a potential memory leak on iOS platform.
    • CloseButton ('Cancel') is shown in FullScreenMode when set IsEditable to False in control on iOS.
    • System.InvalidOperationException is no longer thrown on tapping header portion of controls in Force Above/Below Mode on iOS.
    • [Combobox] ArgumentNullException no longer occurs if Return key (from hardware keyboard) is pressed after typing input while ItemSource set to Null on iOS.