Document Solutions for Excel, Java Edition | Document Solutions
Features / Conditional Formatting / Cell Value Rule
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    Cell Value Rule
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    The cell value rule compares values entered in the cells with the condition specified in the conditional formatting rule. In order to add a cell value rule, you can use the setNumberFormat method of the IFormatCondition interface to set the operator that will perform the comparison operation, like "Between", "Less Than" etc.

    Refer to the following example code to add cell value rule to a range of cells in a worksheet.

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    // Assigning values using Object 
    Object[][] data = new Object[][] 
        { 1 }, 
        { 3 }, 
        { 5 }, 
        { 7 }, 
        { 9 } 
    // Defining the Cell Value Rule
    IFormatCondition condition = 
    (IFormatCondition) worksheet.getRange("A1:A5").getFormatConditions().add(FormatConditionType.
    CellValue, FormatConditionOperator.Between, 1, 5);