Document Solutions for Excel, Java Edition | Document Solutions
com.grapecity.documents.excel Package / IDataBar Interface

In This Topic
    IDataBar Interface Methods
    In This Topic

    For a list of all members of this type, see IDataBar members.

    Public Methods
     MethodDeletes this conditional format.  
     MethodGenerates the conditional format from the json string.  
     MethodReturns a Range object that specifies the cell range to which the formatting rule is applied.  
     MethodGets the color of the axis for cells with conditional formatting as data bars.  
     MethodGets or sets the position of the axis of the data bars specified by a conditional formatting rule.  
     MethodGets an object that specifies the border of a data bar.  
     MethodReturns a FormatColor object that you can use to modify the color of the bars in a data bar conditional format.  
     MethodGets how a data bar is filled with color.  
     MethodGets the direction the data bar is displayed.  
     MethodReturns a IConditionValue object that specifies how the longest baris evaluated for a data bar conditional format.  
     MethodReturns a ConditionValue object that specifies how the shortest bar is evaluated for a data bar conditional format.  
     MethodGets the NegativeBarFormat object associated with a data bar conditional formatting rule.  
     MethodReturns an Integer value that specifies the length of the longest data bar as a percentage of cell width.  
     MethodReturns an Integer value that specifies the length of the shortest data bar as a percentage of cell width.  
     MethodReturns the priority value of the conditional formatting rule. The priority determines the order of evaluation when multiple conditional formatting rules exist in a worksheet.

    When setting the priority, the value must be a positive integer between 1 and the total number of conditional formatting rules on the worksheet. The priority must be a unique value for all rules on the worksheet, so changing the priority for the specified conditional formatting rule may cause the priority value of the other rules on the worksheet to be shifted.

     MethodReturns a Boolean value that specifies if the value in the cell is displayed if the data bar conditional format is applied to the range.  
     MethodReturns a Boolean value that determines if additional formatting rules on the cell should be evaluated if the current rule evaluates to True.  
     MethodReturns the type of this conditional format.  
     MethodSets a Range object that specifies the cell range to which the formatting rule is applied.  
     MethodSets the position of the axis of the data bars specified by a conditional formatting rule.  
     MethodSets how a data bar is filled with color.  
     MethodSets the direction the data bar is displayed.  
     MethodSets the priority value for this conditional formatting rule to "1" so that it will be evaluated before all other rules on the worksheet.  
     MethodSets the evaluation order for this conditional formatting rule so it is evaluated after all other rules on the worksheet.  
     MethodSets an Integer value that specifies the length of the longest data bar as a percentage of cell width.  
     MethodSets an Integer value that specifies the length of the shortest data bar as a percentage of cell width.  
     MethodSets the priority value of the conditional formatting rule. The priority determines the order of evaluation when multiple conditional formatting rules exist in a worksheet.

    When setting the priority, the value must be a positive integer between 1 and the total number of conditional formatting rules on the worksheet. The priority must be a unique value for all rules on the worksheet, so changing the priority for the specified conditional formatting rule may cause the priority value of the other rules on the worksheet to be shifted.

     MethodSets a Boolean value that specifies if the value in the cell is displayed if the data bar conditional format is applied to the range.  
     MethodGenerates a json string from the conditional format.  
    See Also