Document Solutions for Excel, Java Edition | Document Solutions
com.grapecity.documents.excel Package / IIconCriterion Interface

In This Topic
    IIconCriterion Interface Methods
    In This Topic

    For a list of all members of this type, see IIconCriterion members.

    Public Methods
     MethodGets the icon for a criterion in an icon set conditional formatting rule.  
     MethodGets a value that indicates which threshold the criteria represents.  
     MethodReturns one of the constants of the FormatConditionOperator enumeration, which specifes if the threshold is "greater than" or "greater than or equal to" the threshold value.  
     MethodReturns one of the constants of the ConditionValueTypes enumeration, which specifies how the threshold value for an icon set is determined.  
     MethodReturns the threshold value for an icon in a conditional format.  
     MethodSets the icon for a criterion in an icon set conditional formatting rule.  
     MethodSets one of the constants of the FormatConditionOperator enumeration, which specifes if the threshold is "greater than" or "greater than or equal to" the threshold value.

    For an icon set conditional formatting rule, this property can be set to only one of the following two constants: xlGreater or xlGreaterEqual.

     MethodSets one of the constants of the ConditionValueTypes enumeration, which specifies how the threshold value for an icon set is determined.  
     MethodSets the threshold value for an icon in a conditional format.  
    See Also