Document Solutions for Excel, Java Edition | Document Solutions
com.grapecity.documents.excel Package / IProtectionSettings Interface

In This Topic
    IProtectionSettings Interface Methods
    In This Topic

    For a list of all members of this type, see IProtectionSettings members.

    Public Methods
     MethodGenerate the ProtectionOptions from json string.  
     MethodGets whether the deletion of columns is allowed on a protected worksheet.  
     MethodGets whether the deletion of rows is allowed on a protected worksheet.  
     MethodGets whether the user is allowed to make use of an AutoFilter that was created before the sheet was protected.  
     MethodGets whether the formatting of cells is allowed on a protected worksheet.  
     MethodGets whether the formatting of columns is allowed on a protected worksheet.  
     MethodGets whether the formatting of rows is allowed on a protected worksheet.  
     MethodGets whether the insertion of columns is allowed on a protected worksheet.  
     MethodGets whether the insertion of hyperlinks is allowed on a protected worksheet.  
     MethodGets whether the insertion of rows is allowed on a protected worksheet.  
     MethodGets whether the sorting option is allowed on a protected worksheet.  
     MethodGets whether the user is allowed to use objects on a protected worksheet.  
     MethodGets whether the user is allowed to use pivot tables on a protected worksheet.  
     MethodSets whether the deletion of columns is allowed on a protected worksheet.  
     MethodSets whether the deletion of rows is allowed on a protected worksheet.  
     MethodSets whether the user is allowed to make use of an AutoFilter that was created before the sheet was protected.  
     MethodSets whether the formatting of cells is allowed on a protected worksheet.  
     MethodSets whether the formatting of columns is allowed on a protected worksheet.  
     MethodSets whether the formatting of rows is allowed on a protected worksheet.  
     MethodSets whether the insertion of columns is allowed on a protected worksheet.  
     MethodSets whether the insertion of hyperlinks is allowed on a protected worksheet.  
     MethodSets whether the insertion of rows is allowed on a protected worksheet.  
     MethodSets whether the sorting option is allowed on a protected worksheet.  
     MethodSets whether the user is allowed to use objects on a protected worksheet.  
     MethodSets whether the user is allowed to use pivot tables on a protected worksheet.  
     MethodGenerate the string from the ProtectionOptions.  
    See Also