Document Solutions for Excel, Java Edition | Document Solutions
com.grapecity.documents.excel.drawing Package / ICrop Interface

In This Topic
    ICrop Interface Members
    In This Topic

    The following tables list the members exposed by ICrop.

    Public Methods
     MethodGets the height of the image that is to be cropped.  
     MethodGets the x-axis offset of the image that is to be cropped.  
     MethodGets the y-axis offset of the image that is to be cropped.  
     MethodGets the width of the image that is to be cropped.  
     MethodGets the height of a shape that is used to crop an image.  
     MethodGets the location of the left-side of a shape that is used to crop an image.  
     MethodGets the location of the top of a shape that is used to crop an image.  
     MethodGets the width of a shape that is used to crop an image.  
     MethodSets the height of the image that is to be cropped.  
     MethodSets the x-axis offset of the image that is to be cropped.  
     MethodSets the y-axis offset of the image that is to be cropped.  
     MethodSets the width of the image that is to be cropped.  
     MethodSets the height of a shape that is used to crop an image.  
     MethodSets the location of the left-side of a shape that is used to crop an image.  
     MethodSets the location of the top of a shape that is used to crop an image.  
     MethodSets the width of a shape that is used to crop an image.  
    See Also