Document Solutions for Excel, Java Edition | Document Solutions
com.grapecity.documents.excel.drawing Package / IFontFormat Interface

In This Topic
    IFontFormat Interface Methods
    In This Topic

    For a list of all members of this type, see IFontFormat members.

    Public Methods
     MethodGets the boolean property that indicates whether the represented text is bold.  
     MethodGets the color format.  
     MethodGets the boolean property that indicates whether the represented text is italicized.  
     MethodGets the font name to use for the represented text.  
     MethodGets the size of the font in points.  
     MethodGets the boolean property that indicates whether the represented text has a strike through it.  
     MethodGets the boolean property that indicates whether the represented text is a subscript.  
     MethodGets the boolean property that indicates whether the represented text is a superscript.  
     MethodGets the theme font in the applied font scheme that is associated with the specified object.  
     MethodGets the UnderlineStyle of the represented text.  
     MethodSets the boolean property that indicates whether the represented text is bold.  
     MethodSets the boolean property that indicates whether the represented text is italicized.  
     MethodSets the font name to use for the represented text.  
     MethodSets the size of the font in points.  
     MethodSets the boolean property that indicates whether the represented text has a strike through it.  
     MethodSets the boolean property that indicates whether the represented text is a subscript.  
     MethodSets the boolean property that indicates whether the represented text is a superscript.  
     MethodSets the theme font in the applied font scheme that is associated with the specified object.  
     MethodSets the UnderlineStyle of the represented text.  
    See Also