Document Solutions for Excel, Java Edition | Document Solutions
Features / Chart / Chart Types / Statistical Chart / Waterfall Chart
In This Topic
    Waterfall Chart
    In This Topic

    A waterfall chart shows the aggregate of values as they are added or subtracted.This type of chart is useful to understand how the initial value is affected by a series of positive and negative values.Waterfall charts can be used for viewing fluctuations in product earnings, net income or profit analysis.

    Using Code

    Refer the following code for adding Waterfall chart.

    Copy Code
    private static void WaterfallChart() {
        // Initialize workbook
        Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
        // Fetch default worksheet
        IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0);
        // Prepare data for chart
                .setValue(new Object[][] { 
                    { "Starting Amt", 130 }, 
                    { "Measurement 1", 25 }, 
                    { "Measurement 2", -75 },
                    { "Subtotal", 80 }, 
                    { "Measurement 3", 45 }, 
                    { "Measurement 4", -65 }, 
                    { "Measurement 5", 80 },
                    { "Total", 140 } });
        // Add Waterfall Chart
        IShape waterfallChartShape = worksheet.getShapes().addChart(ChartType.Waterfall, 300, 20, 300, 250);
        // Configure Chart Title
        waterfallChartShape.getChart().getChartTitle().setText("Waterfall Chart");
        // Set subtotal & total points
        IPoints points = waterfallChartShape.getChart().getSeriesCollection().get(0).getPoints();
        // Connector lines are not shown
        ISeries series = waterfallChartShape.getChart().getSeriesCollection().get(0);
        // Saving workbook to Xlsx"30-WaterfallChart.xlsx", SaveFileFormat.Xlsx);