Document Solutions for Excel, .NET Edition | Document Solutions
Features / Chart / Chart Types / Statistical Chart / Box Whisker
In This Topic
    Box Whisker
    In This Topic

    BoxWhisker charts are statistical charts that display the distribution of numerical data through quartiles, means and outliers. As the name suggests, these values are represented using boxes and whiskers, where boxes show the range of quartiles (lower quartile, upper quartile and median), while whiskers indicate the variability outside the upper and lower quartiles. Any point outside the whiskers is said to be an outlier. These charts are useful for comparing distributions between many groups or data sets. For instance, you can easily display the variation in monthly temperature of two cities.

    Using Code

    Refer to the following code to add Box and Whisker chart:

    Copy Code
       public void BoxWhiskerChart()
           // Initialize workbook
           Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
           // Fetch default worksheet 
           IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
           // Prepare data for chart
           worksheet.Range["A1:D16"].Value = new object[,]
          {"Course", "SchoolA", "SchoolB", "SchoolC"},
          {"English", 78, 72, 45},
          {"Physics", 61, 55, 65},
          {"English", 63, 50, 65},
          {"Math", 62, 73, 83},
          {"English", 46, 64, 75},
          {"English", 58, 56, 67},
          {"Math", 60, 51, 67},
          {"Math", 62, 53, 66},
          {"English", 63, 54, 64},
          {"English", 90, 52, 67},
          {"Physics", 70, 82, 64},
          {"English", 60, 56, 67},
          {"Math", 73, 56, 75},
          {"Math", 63, 58, 74},
          {"English", 73, 84, 45}
           //Add BoxWhisker chart
           IShape boxWhiskerChartshape = worksheet.Shapes.AddChart(ChartType.BoxWhisker, 300, 20, 300, 200);
           // Configure Chart Title 
           boxWhiskerChartshape.Chart.ChartTitle.Text = "Box & Whisker Chart";
           //Config value axis's scale
           IAxis value_axis = boxWhiskerChartshape.Chart.Axes.Item(AxisType.Value, AxisGroup.Primary);
           value_axis.MinimumScale = 40;
           value_axis.MaximumScale = 70;
           //Configure the display of box&whisker plot
           ISeries series = boxWhiskerChartshape.Chart.SeriesCollection[0];
           series.ShowInnerPoints = true;
           series.ShowOutlierPoints = false;
           series.ShowMeanMarkers = false;
           series.ShowMeanLine = true;
           series.QuartileCalculationInclusiveMedian = true;
           // Saving workbook to Xlsx
           workbook.Save(@"28-BoxWhiskerChart.xlsx", SaveFileFormat.Xlsx);