Document Solutions for PDF
DS.Documents.Imaging Assembly / GrapeCity.Documents.Text Namespace / Font Class / ChooseEudcFontLink Method
The code point (in UTF-32 format) missing in the current font.
Specifies whether the searched font should support embedding.

In This Topic
    ChooseEudcFontLink Method
    In This Topic
    Searches for an associated EUDC Font containing the given code point.
    Public Function ChooseEudcFontLink( _
       ByVal codePoint As System.Integer, _
       ByVal embeddable As System.Boolean _
    ) As FontLink
    public FontLink ChooseEudcFontLink( codePoint,
       System.bool embeddable


    The code point (in UTF-32 format) missing in the current font.
    Specifies whether the searched font should support embedding.

    Return Value

    EUDC font's FontLink or null.
    See Also