Document Solutions for PDF
Features / Images
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    DsPdf allows you to draw an image on a page using DrawImage method of the GcGraphics class. You can load an image from a file or using a stream. The library supports various image formats, such as BMP, GIF (single frame only), JPEG, SVG, and PNG. Additionally, on Windows, TIFF, JpegXR, and ICO formats are also supported.

    While rendering a single image object repeatedly in a GcPdfDocument instance, DsPdf automatically stores the image in a dictionary and reuses the same object throughout the document. This lets you create PDF files of optimum size at a faster pace as it saves time and uses cache to load the same image multiple times. This feature stands very beneficial when rendering document that contains company logo in its repeating page header.  

    In addition, DsPdf library provides ImageAlign class to let you align images in different ways using properties such as AlignHorzAlignVertBestFitTileHorz, etc. The library also allows you to control the image quality such as compressing color values, setting JPEG image quality, etc. through ImageOptions property available in the GcPdfDocument class.

    PDF Images

    Add Image From File

    To add an image in a PDF document, load the image in your application using Image.FromFile method. This method will store the image in an object of Image class. Once, the image is added, you can use the DrawImage method provided by the GcGraphics class to render the image.

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    public void CreatePDF(Stream stream)
        GcPdfDocument doc = new GcPdfDocument();
        var page = doc.NewPage();
        var g = page.Graphics;
        // Add image to the application
        var image = GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.Image.FromFile
         (Path.Combine("Resources", "Images", "clouds.jpg"));
        // Use DrawImage to render the image
        g.DrawImage(image, new RectangleF(30.6F, 30.7F, 40.8F, 100.9F), 
            null, ImageAlign.CenterImage);
        // Save the PDF file
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    Note: When creating a PDF document, adding the same image(s) in multiple places can increase the size of the document. So, to keep the size of the PDF document to a minimum, DsPdf provides RemoveDuplicateImages method in GcPdfDocument class that removes duplicate instances of the same image. For more information, see Optimize Document Size.

    Add Image From Stream

    To add an image in a PDF document using stream, you need to store image in a stream using Image.FromStream method. Once the image is stored, it can be added to the application. Then, you can use the DrawImage method provided by the GcGraphics class to render the image.

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    public void CreatePDF(Stream stream)
    GcPdfDocument doc = new GcPdfDocument();
    var page = doc.NewPage();
    var g = page.Graphics;
    string fileName = @"C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\clouds.png";
    FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, System.IO.FileMode.Open);
    // Add image to the application
    var image = GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.Image.FromStream(fs);
    // Use DrawImage to render the image
    g.DrawImage(image, new RectangleF(30.6F, 30.7F, 40.8F, 100.9F), null, ImageAlign.CenterImage);
    // Save the PDF file

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    Set Image Opacity

    To render an image with a specified transparency, you can add an image to a PDF document using the DrawImage method that takes opacity as one of the parameters.

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    //Create a basic pdf
    GcPdfDocument doc = new GcPdfDocument();
    GcPdfGraphics g = doc.NewPage().Graphics;
    g.DrawString("A sample document showing an image with controlled opacity.",
        new TextFormat() { Font = StandardFonts.Times, FontSize = 12 }, new PointF(72, 72));
    //Add an image by controlling its opacity
    var image = Image.FromFile(Path.Combine("Resources", "sea.jpg"), 
                                  RawImageFormat.Jpeg, 800, 532);
    ImageAlign ia = new ImageAlign(ImageAlignHorz.Center, ImageAlignVert.Center, 
                                   true, true, true, false, false);
    g.DrawImage(image, new RectangleF(100, 100, 180, 100), null, ImageAlign.ScaleImage,0.3F);
    //Save the final pdf
    Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");
    Note: RawImage class is now obsolete. Instead, use Image class.

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    Extract Image

    To extract an image from a PDF document, use GetImages method:

    1. Load a PDF document containing image using Load method of the GcPdfDocument class.
    2. Extract the image(s) from the PDF document using GetImages method of the GcPdfDocument class.
    3. Draw the extracted image(s) on another PDF document using the Graphics.DrawImage method.
    4. Save the document using Save method of the GcPdfDocument class.
      Copy Code
      using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(Path.Combine("Resources", "Wetlands.pdf"),
             FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
          GcPdfDocument docSrc = new GcPdfDocument();
          // Load an existing PDF with some images
          //Extract information about images from the loaded PDF
           var imageInfos = docSrc.GetImages();
          GcPdfDocument doc = new GcPdfDocument();
          var textPt = new PointF(72, 72);
          foreach (var imageInfo in imageInfos)
              // The same image may appear on multiple locations, 
              // imageInfo includes page indices and locations on pages;
              var g = doc.NewPage().Graphics;
              g.DrawImage(imageInfo.Image, new RectangleF(10,0,400,400), null, ImageAlign.ScaleImage);
      Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");

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    For more information about implementation of images using DsPdf, see DsPdf sample browser.

    Create SVG Image using Code

    To create an SVG image using code:

    1. Create a new SVG document by creating an instance of GcSvgDocument.
    2. Create an instance of SvgPathBuilder class. This class provides methods to execute the path commands.
    3. Define the path to draw the outline of shape to be drawn on SVG using methods such as AddMoveTo and AddCurveTo.
    4. Add these elements into root collection of 'svg' element using the Add method.
    5. Provide the SvgPathData using ToPathData method of the SvgPathBuilder class which represents sequence of instructions for drawing the path.
    6. Define other properties of each path such as, Fill, Stroke etc.
    7. Save the document as SVG by using Save method of the GcSvgDocument class.
      Copy Code
      public static GcSvgDocument DrawCarrot()
          // Create a new SVG document
          var doc = new GcSvgDocument();
          var svg = doc.RootSvg;
          svg.ViewBox = new SvgViewBox(0, 0, 313.666f, 164.519f);
          //Create an instance of SvgPathBuilder class. 
          var pb = new SvgPathBuilder();
          //Define the path
          pb.AddMoveTo(false, 29.649f, 9.683f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -2.389f, -0.468f, -4.797f, 2.57f, -6.137f, 5.697f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 2.075f, -2.255f, 3.596f, -1.051f, 4.91, 5f, -0.675f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -2.122f, 2.795f, -4f, 5.877f, -7.746f, 5.568f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 2.384f, -6.014f, 2.963f, -12.977f, 0.394f, -17.78f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -1.296f, 2.591f, -1.854f, 6.054f, -5.204f, 7.395f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 3.575f, 2.455f, 0.986f, 7.637f, 1.208f, 11.437f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(false, 11.967f, 21.17f, 6.428f, 16.391f, 9.058f, 10.67f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -3.922f, 8.312f, -2.715f, 19.745f, 4.363f, 22.224f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -3.86f, 4.265f, -2.204f, 10.343f, 0.209f, 13.781f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -0.96f, 1.808f, -1.83f, 2.546f, -3.774f, 3.195f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 3.376f, 1.628f, 6.612f, 4.866f, 11.326f, 3.366f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -1.005f, 2.345f, -12.389f, 9.499f, -15.16f, 10.35f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 3.216f, 0.267f, 14.492f, -2.308f, 16.903f, -5.349f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -1.583f, 2.84f, 1.431f, 2.28f, 2.86f, 4.56f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 1.877f, -3.088f, 3.978f, -2.374f, 5.677f, -3.311f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -0.406f, 4.826f, -2.12f, 9.27f, -5.447f, 13.582f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 2.834f, -4.894f, 6.922f, -5.367f, 10.474f, -5.879f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -0.893f, 4.245f, -3.146f, 8.646f, -7.077f, 10.479f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 5.359f, 0.445f, 11.123f, -3.934f, 13.509f, -9.944f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 12.688f, 3.209f, 28.763f, -1.932f, 39.894f, 7.084f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 1.024f, 0.625f, 1.761f, -4.98f, 1.023f, -5.852f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(false, 72.823f, 55.357f, 69.273f, 68.83f, 52.651f, 54.498f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -0.492f, -0.584f, 1.563f, -5.81f, 1f, -8.825f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -1.048f, -3.596f, -3.799f, -6.249f, -7.594f, -6.027f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -2.191f, 0.361f, -5.448f, 0.631f, -7.84f, 0.159f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 2.923f, -5.961f, 9.848f, -4.849f, 12.28f, -11.396f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -4.759f, 2.039f, -7.864f, -2.808f, -12.329f, -1.018f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 1.63f, -3.377f, 4.557f, -2.863f, 6.786f, -3.755f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -3.817f, -2.746f, -9.295f, -5.091f, -14.56f, -0.129f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(false, 33.228f, 18.615f, 32.064f, 13.119f, 29.649f, 9.683f);
          //Add elements into Children collection of SVG 
          svg.Children.Add(new SvgPathElement()
              FillRule = SvgFillRule.EvenOdd,
              Fill = new SvgPaint(Color.FromArgb(0x43, 0x95, 0x39)),
              PathData = pb.ToPathData(),
          pb.AddMoveTo(false, 29.649f, 9.683f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -2.389f, -0.468f, -4.797f, 2.57f, -6.137f, 5.697f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 2.075f, -2.255f, 3.596f, -1.051f, 4.915f, -0.675f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -2.122f, 2.795f, -4f, 5.877f, -7.746f, 5.568f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 2.384f, -6.014f, 2.963f, -12.977f, 0.394f, -17.78f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -1.296f, 2.591f, -1.854f, 6.054f, -5.204f, 7.395f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 3.575f, 2.455f, 0.986f, 7.637f, 1.208f, 11.437f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(false, 11.967f, 21.17f, 6.428f, 16.391f, 9.058f, 10.67f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -3.922f, 8.312f, -2.715f, 19.745f, 4.363f, 22.224f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -3.86f, 4.265f, -2.204f, 10.343f, 0.209f, 13.781f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -0.96f, 1.808f, -1.83f, 2.546f, -3.774f, 3.195f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 3.376f, 1.628f, 6.612f, 4.866f, 11.326f, 3.366f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -1.005f, 2.345f, -12.389f, 9.499f, -15.16f, 10.35f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 3.216f, 0.267f, 14.492f, -2.308f, 16.903f, -5.349f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -1.583f, 2.84f, 1.431f, 2.28f, 2.86f, 4.56f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 1.877f, -3.088f, 3.978f, -2.374f, 5.677f, -3.311f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -0.406f, 4.826f, -2.12f, 9.27f, -5.447f, 13.582f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 2.834f, -4.894f, 6.922f, -5.367f, 10.474f, -5.879f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -0.893f, 4.245f, -3.146f, 8.646f, -7.077f, 10.479f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 5.359f, 0.445f, 11.123f, -3.934f, 13.509f, -9.944f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 12.688f, 3.209f, 28.763f, -1.932f, 39.894f, 7.084f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 1.024f, 0.625f, 1.761f, -4.98f, 1.023f, -5.852f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(false, 72.823f, 55.357f, 69.273f, 68.83f, 52.651f, 54.498f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -0.492f, -0.584f, 1.563f, -5.81f, 1f, -8.825f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -1.048f, -3.596f, -3.799f, -6.249f, -7.594f, -6.027f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -2.191f, 0.361f, -5.448f, 0.631f, -7.84f, 0.159f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 2.923f, -5.961f, 9.848f, -4.849f, 12.28f, -11.396f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -4.759f, 2.039f, -7.864f, -2.808f, -12.329f, -1.018f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 1.63f, -3.377f, 4.557f, -2.863f, 6.786f, -3.755f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -3.817f, -2.746f, -9.295f, -5.091f, -14.56f, -0.129f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(false, 33.228f, 18.615f, 32.064f, 13.119f, 29.649f, 9.683f);
          //Add elements into Children collection of SVG 
          svg.Children.Add(new SvgPathElement()
              Fill = SvgPaint.None,
              Stroke = new SvgPaint(Color.Black),
              StrokeWidth = new SvgLength(2.292f),
              StrokeMiterLimit = 14.3f,
              PathData = pb.ToPathData(),
          pb.AddMoveTo(false, 85.989f, 101.047f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 0f, 0f, 3.202f, 3.67f, 8.536f, 4.673f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 7.828f, 1.472f, 17.269f, 0.936f, 17.269f, 0.936f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 0f, 0f, 2.546f, 5.166f, 10.787f, 7.338f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 8.248f, 2.168f, 17.802f, 0.484f, 17.802f, 0.484f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 0f, 0f, 8.781f, 1.722f, 19.654f, 8.074f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 10.871f, 6.353f, 20.142f, 2.163f, 20.142f, 2.163f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 0f, 0f, 1.722f, 3.118f, 14.11f, 9.102f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 12.39f, 5.982f, 14.152f, 2.658f, 28.387f, 4.339f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 14.232f, 1.672f, 19.36f, 5.568f, 30.108f, 7.449f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 10.747f, 1.886f, 25.801f, 5.607f, 25.801f, 5.607f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 0f, 0f, 4.925f, 0.409f, 12.313f, 6.967f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 7.381f, 6.564f, 18.453f, 4.506f, 18.453f, 4.506f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 0f, 0f, -10.869f, -6.352f, -15.467f, -10.702f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -4.594f, -4.342f, -16.901f, -11.309f, -24.984f, -15.448f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -8.079f, -4.14f, -18.215f, -7.46f, -30.233f, -11.924f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -12.018f, -4.468f, -6.934f, -6.029f, -23.632f, -13.855f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -16.695f, -7.822f, -13.662f, -8.565f, -28.347f, -10.776f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -14.686f, -2.208f, -6.444f, -11.933f, -23.917f, -16.356f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -17.479f, -4.423f, -11.037f, -4.382f, -26.016f, -9.093f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -14.97f, -4.715f, -10.638f, -10.104f, -26.665f, -13.116f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -14.149f, -2.66f, -21.318f, 0.468f, -27.722f, 11.581f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(false, 73.104f, 89.075f, 85.989f, 101.047f, 85.989f, 101.047f);
          // Add elements into Children collection of SVG 
          svg.Children.Add(new SvgPathElement()
              FillRule = SvgFillRule.EvenOdd,
              Fill = new SvgPaint(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xC2, 0x22)),
              PathData = pb.ToPathData(),
          pb.AddMoveTo(false, 221.771f, 126.738f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 0f, 0f, 1.874f, -4.211f, 4.215f, -6.087f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 2.347f, -1.868f, 2.812f, -2.339f, 2.812f, -2.339f);
          pb.AddMoveTo(false, 147.11f, 105.122f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 0f, 0f, 0.882f, -11.047f, 6.765f, -15.793f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 5.879f, -4.745f, 10.882f, -5.568f, 10.882f, -5.568f);
          pb.AddMoveTo(false, 125.391f, 86.008f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 0f, 0f, 2.797f, -6.289f, 6.291f, -9.081f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 3.495f, -2.791f, 4.194f, -3.49f, 4.194f, -3.49f);
          pb.AddMoveTo(false, 181.153f, 124.8f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 0f, 0f, -1.206f, -4.014f, -0.709f, -6.671f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 0.493f, -2.66f, 0.539f, -3.256f, 0.539f, -3.256f);
          pb.AddMoveTo(false, 111.704f, 107.641f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 0f, 0f, -1.935f, -6.604f, -1.076f, -10.991f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 0.862f, -4.389f, 0.942f, -5.376f, 0.942f, -5.376f);
          pb.AddMoveTo(false, 85.989f, 101.047f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 0f, 0f, 3.202f, 3.67f, 8.536f, 4.673f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 7.828f, 1.472f, 17.269f, 0.936f, 17.269f, 0.936f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 0f, 0f, 2.546f, 5.166f, 10.787f, 7.338f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 8.248f, 2.168f, 17.802f, 0.484f, 17.802f, 0.484f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 0f, 0f, 8.781f, 1.722f, 19.654f, 8.074f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 10.871f, 6.353f, 20.142f, 2.163f, 20.142f, 2.163f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 0f, 0f, 1.722f, 3.118f, 14.11f, 9.102f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 12.39f, 5.982f, 14.152f, 2.658f, 28.387f, 4.339f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 14.232f, 1.672f, 19.36f, 5.568f, 30.108f, 7.449f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 10.747f, 1.886f, 25.801f, 5.607f, 25.801f, 5.607f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 0f, 0f, 4.925f, 0.409f, 12.313f, 6.967f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 7.381f, 6.564f, 18.453f, 4.506f, 18.453f, 4.506f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, 0f, 0f, -10.869f, -6.352f, -15.467f, -10.702f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -4.594f, -4.342f, -16.901f, -11.309f, -24.984f, -15.448f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -8.079f, -4.14f, -18.215f, -7.46f, -30.233f, -11.924f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -12.018f, -4.468f, -6.934f, -6.029f, -23.632f, -13.855f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -16.695f, -7.822f, -13.662f, -8.565f, -28.347f, -10.776f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -14.686f, -2.208f, -6.444f, -11.933f, -23.917f, -16.356f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -17.479f, -4.423f, -11.037f, -4.382f, -26.016f, -9.093f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -14.97f, -4.715f, -10.638f, -10.104f, -26.665f, -13.116f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(true, -14.149f, -2.66f, -21.318f, 0.468f, -27.722f, 11.581f);
          pb.AddCurveTo(false, 73.104f, 89.075f, 85.989f, 101.047f, 85.989f, 101.047f);
          //Add elements into Children collection of SVG 
          svg.Children.Add(new SvgPathElement()
              Fill = SvgPaint.None,
              Stroke = new SvgPaint(Color.Black),
              StrokeWidth = new SvgLength(3.056f),
              StrokeMiterLimit = 11.5f,
              PathData = pb.ToPathData(),
          //Save the document as svg
          return doc;

    Render SVG Image to PDF File

    The GrapeCity.Documents.Svg namespace provides GcSvgDocument class which can be used to render SVG files on PDF pages.

    To render an SVG image file to a PDF document:

    1. Load an SVG image in a PDF document by using the FromFile method of GcSvgDocument class.
    2. Draw the specified SVG document at a location in PDF document by using DrawSvg method of GcGraphics class.
    3. Save the document containing SVG image using Save method of the GcPdfDocument class.
      Copy Code
      var doc = new GcPdfDocument();
      var g = doc.NewPage().Graphics;
      var prevT = g.Transform;
      g.Transform = Matrix3x2.CreateScale(factor);
      using var svg = GcSvgDocument.FromFile("Rectangle.svg");
      g.DrawSvg(svg, new PointF(72 / factor, 72 / factor));
      g.Transform = prevT;

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    For more information about rendering SVG images to PDF files using DsPdf, see DsPdf sample browser.

    You can also render an SVG image to a PNG file, create, load, inspect, modify, and save the internal structure of an SVG image. For more information, refer Work with SVG Files topic in DsImaging docs.