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Characteristics of successful apps: What makes an app popular?

During the app development process, there are a number of considerations creators must make to ensure the program's success. From deciding between native languages and HTML5 to making the best use of component suites, developers have a lot on their minds.

However, one of the most important elements that is commonly overlooked is that unnamed quality that not only makes an application usable, but popular and trendy among the masses. In a business setting, this could mean the difference between a smart investment that is a linchpin of everyday processes, or an app that falls flat on its face and goes unused. To avoid wasting time and resources creating a program that individuals may simply delete from their devices, it is worth taking a look at the qualities that make an app useful and in demand.

Top characteristics of successful apps: Mobile optimization
QuezMedia president and CEO Jose Vasquez noted that apps which are popular among users are optimized for the platform on which they operate. In other words, these programs take advantage of the features and capabilities offered by the smartphone, tablet or other device and its unique operating system. Vasquez also recommended that developers ensure that their program will operate effectively on all devices, an ability that is provided by HTML5.

A focus on user needs
Successful applications also adjust to fit the needs of the particular user, noted The Next Web contributor Matt Brian. This means that developers and supporters should release updates for the program that not only improve its functionality and security, but also add new abilities for users to explore. This will keep individuals interested in the program and keep them coming back for more. Without this aspect, many will simply seek out other apps when they feel they have exhausted its capabilities or have just become bored.

"In an increasingly competitive marketplace, a smartphone owner can quite as easily delete an app and move to a rival which is more understanding to its users' needs," Brian wrote.

Spontaneous, yet memorable
Vasquez also noted that popular applications are spontaneous, in that they are designed for short bursts of activity. Oftentimes, users are not looking to commit long periods of time to using an app, but instead prefer to take part in shorter sessions. Developers should take this into account during app creation and ensure that their program can be quickly and easily navigated.

While individuals would rather not have overly long, extended usage sessions, the program must also be memorable. Striking the right balance between spontaneity and memorability will ensure the program is likable, and also has staying power.


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