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How To: Create a Dynamic Gantt Chart

One of the many chart types provided in ActiveReports is the Gantt Chart. The Gantt chart is a project management tool used to analyze the progress of individual project tasks. The chart shows a comparison of project task completion to the task schedule. In a Gantt chart the X and Y axes are reversed i.e the X axis is vertical and the Y axis is horizontal. In this blog post I would be discussing about creating a Gantt chart at run time. Before we actually start with the implementation, let us see how our final output will look like: For the ease of understanding the approach, we'll divide and discuss the implementation in two parts.

Creating the DataSource

The first step is to set up a data source in order to provide data to the chart. Since we are creating the chart programmatically, we will use the ReportStart event to assign the datasource.

private void rptProjects_ReportStart(object sender, System.EventArgs e)  
    String connString = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\\data.mdb;Persist Security Info=False";  
    // The sql statement for the DataTable (the datasource for the report and chart)  
    String rptSqlCmd = @"SELECT tblProjects.ProjectName, " +  
                                        "tblProjects.ProjectStart, " +  
                                        "tblProjects.ProjectEnd, " +  
                                        "DateDiff('d',[tblProjects]![ProjectStart],[tblProjects]![ProjectEnd]) AS Duration, " +  
                                        "DateDiff('d',[StartDate],[tblProjects]![ProjectStart]) AS StartValue, " +  
                                        "DateDiff('d',[StartDate],[tblProjects]![ProjectEnd]) AS EndValue " +  
                                        "FROM tblProjects;";  
    using (OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(connString))  
       //The Gantt series takes two Y values: the start and end points as integers so  
       //we need to compute these from the StartDate and EndDate. To do the computation  
       //we need to subtract these dates from a starting date which is the  
       //minimum start date for the projects.  
       //Get the earliest project start date  
       OleDbCommand cmd1 = new OleDbCommand("SELECT Min([ProjectStart]) AS MinStartDate FROM tblProjects;", conn);  
       DateTime minStartDate = (DateTime)cmd1.ExecuteScalar();  
       // Get the latest project end date  
       OleDbCommand cmd2 = new OleDbCommand("SELECT Max([ProjectEnd]) AS MaxEndDate FROM tblProjects;", conn);  
       DateTime maxEndDate = (DateTime)cmd2.ExecuteScalar();  
       // Provide the minimum value as a parameter to the SQL statement.  
       // The SQL Statement has calculated fields StartValue and EndValue. These columns in the  
       // DataTable will be the ValueMemembersY of the series  
       OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(rptSqlCmd, conn);  
       cmd.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("@StartDate", OleDbType.Date)).Value = minStartDate;  
       OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter(cmd);  
       DataTable dtProjects = new DataTable("Projects");  
       // Set the datatable as the datasource for the chart and report  
       this.DataSource = dtProjects;  
       SetChartControl(dtProjects, minStartDate, maxEndDate);  

Plotting Chart Data

When we are creating a chart, we also need to set various properties in order to achieve the desired results. Following code shows the required implementation:

private void SetChartControl(DataTable dt, DateTime minDate, DateTime maxDate)  
    // Chart Titles  
    this.chartControl1.Titles["header"].Text = "Gantt Chart";  
    // ValueMember  
    this.chartControl1.Series["Series1"].ValueMemberX = "ProjectName";  
    this.chartControl1.Series["Series1"].ValueMembersY = "StartValue, EndValue";  
    // AxisX properties  
    this.chartControl1.ChartAreas[0].Axes["AxisX"].Title = "Projects";  
    this.chartControl1.ChartAreas[0].Axes["AxisX"].TitleFont.Angle = -90;  
    // AxisY properties  
    GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Chart.AxisBase axisY = this.chartControl1.ChartAreas[0].Axes["AxisY"];  
    // Use the min and max dates to add labels to the y-axis  
    int labelCount = 0;  
    for (DateTime counter = minDate; counter <= maxDate; counter = counter.AddDays(1))  
    axisY.Min = 0;  
    axisY.Max = labelCount - 1;  
    axisY.MajorTick.Step = 1;  
    axisY.MajorTick.Visible = true;  
    axisY.LabelsVisible = true;  
    axisY.MajorTick.Visible = true;  
    axisY.MajorTick.GridLine = new GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Chart.Graphics.Line(Color.Gray, 1, GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Chart.Graphics.LineStyle.Solid);  
    axisY.LabelFont.Angle = -45;  
    axisY.TitleFont.Angle = 0;  
    axisY.SmartLabels = false;  
    axisY.Title = "";  
    // Set the Chartcontrol Data Source  
    this.chartControl1.DataSource = dt;  

Sample applications implementing the above functionality can be downloaded in both C# and VB.NET from the following links: Download Sample - C# Download Sample - VB


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