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HTML5 is an excellent way to get content to a variety of devices

Cross-platform compatibility is an excellent way to increase visibility with larger audiences, but does HTML5 achieve that? While there are numerous ways that the efficacy of HTML5 could be tested as a way of getting content to different machines, the simplest and most effective way to do so is to see if organizations are using it. A language can have many theoretical applications, but the only thing that matters in the long run is whether or not it is being utilized by those who need the language to do what it is supposed to do. Once that proof has been established, the verdict on a language can be determined.

According to WhaTech, HTML5 allows applications to adapt to a variety of screen sizes, aspect ratios and resolutions. Different elements within a device like cameras can be made use of in an application, which is excellent for allowing additional functionality on mobile devices. Not every language that is adaptable to different devices is able to make use of their specific functionality. HTML5 forms can be viewed from a variety of different devices and still adjust to the way they are being used.

Simpler billing with HTML5
For those that are trying to sell applications for the mobile space, HTML5 makes a lot of economic sense. The duplication of code involved allows for monetization to be the same across a variety of different platforms, making sorting through billing and other more difficult technical elements of accounting much easier than they would otherwise be. Because it is compatible with the major foundational elements of the Internet, HTML5 is able to work with a large amount of software very easily.

Perhaps the most impressive support for HTML5 is coming from Netflix, which is now using HTML5 for laptop streaming, according to ZDNet. This change is at the expense of Netflix's previous use of Microsoft Silverlight, and marks a new direction toward heavy support for cross-platform content from one of the Internet's biggest streaming? video providers. Netflix mentioned that one of its concerns that made it switch to HTML5 is that it wanted to have stronger Digital Rights Management on its video streaming technology, which means that the organization may lead the way in companies that want to put videos up that aren't easily pirated by the Internet population at large.

When examining the different ways that a piece of software is being used in the real world by companies, it is important to examine the context. Not only is Netflix making the move to use HTML5 on laptops, but the company is breaking away from Silverlight to do so. Netflix has used Silverlight for its on desktop and laptop streaming since the service first started. The power of HTML5 must have been considerable to woo Netflix away from a tried-and-tested technique in favor of something new. There is nothing that can be more convincing of the power of new piece of technology than for it to cause even larger organizations to move from previous ways of doing things to a new one.


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