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What's New in ASP.NET MVC Edition in 2015 V2.5

The 2015 V2.5 service pack release has some exciting new additions to ASP.NET MVC Edition. In addition to new controls like PopUp and MultiSelect which add value to the Input for MVC controls set, we also added DetailRow and DataMap features to FlexGrid. In addition, the controls are now compatible with Microsoft Edge. Let's walk through the various controls and features that make this release important.

The Popup control enables you to add small overlays of arbitrary content to your applications, as popovers or modal dialogs. Popovers are the popups which have owner elements to control their visibility, and are placed relative to these owner elements when they appear on the screen. ComponentOneStudio_Popup_MVC Enhance popovers and dialog with the PopUp for MVC Dialogs are the popups with no owner elements, and they appear towards the center of the screen distinguished from the rest of the content on the screen. The boolean Modal property of the PopUp control specifies if the popup is modal. PopUp as a Dialog PopUp as a Dialog


The Multi-select control enables you to add drop-down list with multiple selection in your application. The control can bound to a collection of custom objects or simple strings, which will show in the dropdown. It uses CheckedMemberPath property, which specifies the name of the property that determines whether an item is checked or not in the list. ComponentOneStudio_MultiSelect_MVC Select multiple options in a single drop-down list. The control has a fully customizable header which, by default, displays upto two items selected from the list. If more than two items are selected from the list, then the header displays the count of selected items. However, you can control this default behavior to- adjust the maximum number of selected items to display in header (MaxHeaderItems), customize the message to be displayed when no items are selected, and set the format string to show the item count (HeaderFormatter). MultiSelect with Customised Header MultiSelect with Customised Header



One of the exciting new features added in FlexGrid is DetailRow which adds a templated, expandable row to the control. ComponentOneStudio_MVC_FlexGrid_DetailRow Collapse and expand data in a template with FlexGrid for MVC. You can add details section to any row in FlexGrid, which enables you to group this data in a template which is optionally visible. Only a summary of data is presented for each row in a grid initially, but more data gets visible when user selects a row. Built-in expand/collapse buttons are also provided to control the visibility of data within the expandable row. You can add nested grid within a DetailRow to create a hierarchical grid interface.


Another good addition to FlexGrid is support for DataMap, which provides automatic look up capabilities to the grid. It is helpful when your grid displays data from a database, but you are willing to change some values, visible to the customer, without altering the underlying data structure. For Example, you might want to display product names in Product column instead of ProductID or color name in Color column instead of Hexadecimal code in Color column of your grid. FlexGrid_DataMap Implement auto-lookup in grids with DataMap. You can view these controls and features in the MVCExplorer sample. Don't forget to check the feature implementation in next generation of ASP.NET, MVC6 TagHelpers really simplify writing razor code. Download ASP.NET MVC Edition


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