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What's new in ComponentOne Studio for Xamarin 2017v2

We're pleased to announced that ComponentOne Studio for Xamarin will be leaving beta with the 2017 v2 release. This release adds numerous bug-fixes, new controls, and new features. The new architecture is entirely cross-platform yet also relying on native APIs for better performance, compatibility, and size. We aren't dependent on SkiaSharp or other cross platform libraries which is the key to our superior compatibility, speed, and Xamarin.iOS/Xamarin.Android implementations. Additionally we're adding first class UWP support through Xamarin.Forms in the new architecture along with iOS and Android support. All of the great new features from the beta are present with a larger collection of controls.

More controls

Studio for Xamarin now contains FlexChart, FlexPie, FlexGrid, Input, Gauge, Calendar, and CollectionView controls. Input has a lot of small improvements including a cleaner API and smarter editing capabilities (like scrolling into view when a control could become obscured by a software keyboard). Our new version of FlexChart is based on the UWP version of the control, and shares it's DNA with that version. This means FlexChart and FlexPie are now encompassed in the same Chart library, and they make liberal use of ChartStyles in the same manner the UWP controls do. We'll be iterating on the Charting controls through the next release to bring in more features with UWP and more parity with the outgoing Xuni FlexChart. CollectionView has also been expanded upon with new Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android libraries that make it easier to connect to the native list types (UITableView and RecyclerView respectively). Additionally, there are some new samples available for Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android demonstrating this. We've also updated the CollectionView library with support for .NET Standard 1.1.

Designer Support

ComponentOne Studio for Xamarin now offers even better designer support across Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS, and Xamarin.Forms. We're pleased to announce that our controls are now supported in the Xamarin.Forms Previewer so that you can get live visual feedback as you design your apps: XFPreviewer For those of you who prefer working in with iOS Storyboards or Android axml we've also added even better support for those designers as well: Designers


This release also contains a huge number of fixes for controls introduced during the beta. Some features have been fully fleshed out in this release that previously had some issues (such as keyboard support for FlexGrid), and we've worked hard on fixing bugs that have been reported over the past few months for the beta. The 2017 v2 versions of Calendar, CollectionView, Gauge, and FlexGrid are greatly improved over the beta release.

2017v2 Change Log


Bug Fixes

  • [XF] Day/DayOfWeek/Month/Year slots can now be customized
  • [XF] HeaderTextColor of previous view (says Year) no longer applys to header text of current view (says Decade) when setting through ViewModeChanged event
  • [UWP] HeaderTextColor no longer applys only to navigation glyphs when setting through ViewModeChanged event
  • [XF] TextColor for MonthSlot/YearSlot set in MonthSlotLoading/YearSlotLoading events now works properly
  • [X.Android] DayBorderColor/Width now works properly
  • [XF][X.iOS] BorderColor/Width now works properly
  • [XF][X.Android] Header no longer disappears when ShowNavigationButtons is false
  • [XF][X.Android] Default selection highlight color changed to "Cyan" color from 'Orange' color



  • [X.iOS][X.Android] Added support for connecting to native list types of UITableView and RecyclerView using C1.iOS.CollectionView and C1.Android.CollectionView libraries



  • First release of new version of FlexChart and FlexPie based on the ComponentOne UWP version. FlexChart and FlexPie are now contained in the same charting package


Bug Fixes

  • [XF.iOS/X.iOS] Blank area no longer appears below column header in bound flexgrid after tap any row if the number of rows is less than one page
  • [XF][X.Android] Previous row CheckBox no longer re-rendered when selection moves to next row CheckBox in same column or column is resized, sorted, etc.
  • [XF] Row selection can now be performed by tapping row headers
  • [XF]Text no longer gets cut in edit mode on Android
  • [XF]Data now shows correctly when FlexGrid is binding with List values
  • [XF] Expanded detail row icon now correctly changes to collapse(-) button when expand detail row with ShowDetail() method
  • [XF] Expand/Collapse icons are now changes correctly when expand/collapse detail rows if DetailVisibilityMode is ExpandSingle/Selection
  • [XF] Columns no longer shift to the right side of the grid while setting width="*" to all columns and IsVisible="False" to one of them
  • [XF] HeaderGridLinesColor is now affected to the header area in current view
  • [XF] Setting TextColor for GridColumn now works correctly
  • [XF] ScrollPositionChanged event fires correctly when scrolling FlexGrid
  • [XF] CheckBox column can now be seen in FlexGrid while setting Width="Auto" for UWP
  • [XF][X.iOS] Selected checkbox in boolean column is no longer covered by default selection color on iOS
  • [XF] Next row of destination row no longer comes out and shows in current viewport after calling ScrollIntoView() in FlexGrid on iOS
  • If binding an ObservableCollection to FlexGrid, new items can now correctly be added


    Bug Fixes

    • [XF][X.Android][X.iOS]Tapped event is now available for all gauge types
    • [XF X.iOS] Gauge controls resize properly after orientation change



    • First release of new Input controls. The input controls have been completely rearchitected to perform better and now share a common API across platforms. Key: [XF] = Xamarin.Forms, [X.Android] = Xamarin.Android, [X.iOS] = Xamarin.iOS

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    MESCIUS inc.

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