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Why developers should be using HTML5 form

When it comes to building a Web application, there are a number of considerations that developers have to make, including what coding language they will utilize as the framework for the program. Although there are some that still prefer native approaches, HTML5 form is quickly gaining traction as an up-and-coming component suite within the development industry, and for good reason. Let's take a look at some of the benefits that are attracting a rising level of QA teams to leverage HTML5 for their Web apps.

Cross-platform functionality: Hard to beat
One of the biggest perks of using HTML5 for Web application development is its cross-platform functionality. And with the continued fragmentation of the mobile platform, this is an advantage that's difficult to surpass. WhaTech also noted that this operability can speed up a project's time to market, making it more profitable .

Smoother deployment
Besides reducing the amount of time it takes to launch an HTML5 Web application on the open market, the language also makes the deployment process that much smoother. Tech Cocktail pointed out that native methods call for developers to follow specific practices when offering their programs in an app store. HTML5, on the other hand, does not have these restrictions.

"[F]or HTML5 apps, the process goes much smoother since there are fractional parts to be installed which can be easily deployed using open-source JavaScript tools while launching the app," Tech Cocktail contributor Alfred Beiley wrote.

Improved updating process
These constraints also fall away when it comes to updating the application. Whereas native apps must gain approval before releasing an upgrade through the app store, HTML5 Web apps can be adjusted and updated anytime and the changes are presented live through the mobile Web browser, WhaTech noted. This means that any updates are immediately reflected, ensuring users have the most up-to-date experience possible.


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