Page Report LocateDataSource does not fire

Posted by: mail on 2 December 2017, 9:50 am EST

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    Posted 2 December 2017, 9:50 am EST


    I need to provide datatable to DataSet in run time to Page report.

    Unfortunately the model does not work. Event LocateDataSource does not fire.

    I need help.

    DataSource and DataSet are declared in my document.

    The code:

    OStrRepordtDefinition = “<Report xmlns…”

    Dim OCPageReporter As New CPageReporter(OMyWebViewer1, StrRepordtDefinition, ODataTablePrintoni01)

    Private Class CPageReporter

    Dim WithEvents OPageReportAtRunTime As GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Document.PageDocument

    Dim ODataTable As DataTable

    Public Sub New(ByRef InOMyWebViewer1 As MyWebViewer1, InOStrReportDefinition As String, InOdataTable As DataTable)

    ODataTable = InOdataTable

                        'Create a report definition that loads an existing report.
                        Dim readerPageReport As TextReader = New StringReader(InOStrReportDefinition)
                        Dim definition As New GrapeCity.ActiveReports.PageReport(readerPageReport)
                        'Dim ODataSource01 As GrapeCity.ActiveReports.PageReportModel.DataSource = definition.Report.DataSources(0)
                        'Load the report definition into a new page document.
                        OPageReportAtRunTime = New GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Document.PageDocument(definition)
                        AddHandler OPageReportAtRunTime.LocateDataSource, AddressOf OPageReportAtRunTime_LocateDataSource
                        'Attach the runtime to an event. This line of code creates the event shell below.
                        'definition.Document.DataSourceLocator.LocateDataSource("DataSource01", "DataSet01ZaDenia", definition.Report)
                        InOMyWebViewer1.Report = OPageReportAtRunTime
                    End Sub
                    'ActiveReports raises this event when it cannot locate a report's data source in the usual ways.
                    Private Sub OPageReportAtRunTime_LocateDataSource(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As GrapeCity.ActiveReports.LocateDataSourceEventArgs) Handles OPageReportAtRunTime.LocateDataSource
                        'Dim dl = New DataLayer
                        'args.Data = dl.DataSetData.Tables("Products")
                        args.Data = ODataTable
                    End Sub
                End Class
  • Posted 3 December 2017, 11:55 pm EST


    Thank you for sharing the code.

    Could you try using event OPageReportAtRunTime.PageReport.Document.LocateDataSource instead of OPageReportAtRunTime.LocateDataSource.

    Also, there was a bug for LocateDataSource not firing with the webviewer which was fixed, so could you share the ActiveReports version you are using.


    Ruchir Agarwal

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