Error when using .xls file with C1Excel - ZipFileException was unhandled by user code

Posted by: danger12za on 7 August 2017, 8:31 am EST

  • Posted 7 August 2017, 8:31 am EST


    I am having an issue with the C1.Silverlight.Excel.C1XLBook (Version 4.0.20113.210 - unfortunately I cannot upgrade to version 5 at this stage due to an in-house library that we are using. This will be migrated to version 5 of the C1 control suite in the next while.)

    I am using the C1.Silverlight.Excel.C1XLBook.dll to load a System.IO.Stream. The stream is created from a file that a user selects from an ‘Open File Dialog’ which is restricted to .xls or .xlsx files. When I load a .xlsx file, it works perfectly, however, when trying to load a .xls file I get the following error:

    ZipFileException was unhandled by user code - Central dir not found (Images of the errors attached).

    Please could someone provide some insight into this for me?

    Thank you for all your time and help on this.

    Kind regards,


  • Posted 7 August 2017, 8:31 am EST

    Sorry, this is a currently a limitation with SL excel version. BIFF8 format is not supported currently.


  • Posted 7 August 2017, 8:31 am EST

    Thank you for your reply C1_UpkarS.

    Do you know if this format is supported in version 5 of the C1 control suite?

    Kind regards,


  • Posted 7 August 2017, 8:31 am EST

    Sorry, this is not supported in version 5 controls.


  • Posted 10 April 2018, 3:36 am EST

    Why are we getting this error in Winforms?

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